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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by CowboyFred

  1. Getting bent over 4-0...sheesh. Hello Europa
  2. This draining of the swamp you speak of, when is it supposed to happen? I’d consider adding someone like DeVos to a cabinet position, who has no business running the Dept. or Education, as making the water a little murkier.
  3. this is what makes me skeptical as to what they release/say in the press conference. All this info coming out about the White House and DOJ discussing report beforehand taints the whole thing.
  4. that was my first avatar on shaggy back in 2011...cool story bro.
  5. Same thing was said/done with the Hillary investigation but there you guys were in your email circle jerk. Fuck off. IMO the Mueller Report might surprise some people in what it reveals about those in charge. Like others have said, most of the criminal investigations have been passed off to other jurisdictions so we won't know what comes of them for a while.
  6. So we’re going with a back 4 of Young - Smalling - Lindelof - Jones unless it’s a back 3 and young and lingard are wings...oh boy Come on United!!! (Please)
  7. close to being a red if you ask me. Oh well onto the next leg. The way we've been playing away from OT I think we might have a chance.
  8. 1. Ashley Young...WTF 2. Officiating...horribad 3. Sooooo many missed opportunities McTominay I feel had a great game along with Dalot (missed header sucked tho) / Fred was all over the place.
  9. 1234 What a disappointing performance
  10. lol at the no call on Young getting mugged and then Suarez flops like a bitch probably knowing that Smalling was on his last warning (tbh he probably should've already been handed a yellow)
  11. the calls in this match have been kinda 1-sided...
  12. lol phantom yellow card on Lingard...did not touch Vidal at all
  13. not sure that arm was in a natural position
  14. Alba should get a card for trying to fake that shit
  15. Really hope they bring on Martial for Young and drop Dalot back to RB
  16. Didn’t see Smalling’s hand hit him until the replay. I was not expecting all that blood/cut. Yup. Call could’ve gone either way.
  17. Ashely Young is straight up ass
  18. anybody having issues with the tnt stream on their site?
  19. Nope. So long as its a FISA warrant, I'm fine with it. They don't just hand those out for everything. Next question.
  20. I gotta admit it’s an awesome troll job/funny video but not something I’d expect or be happy with our president taking part in. This dude keeps trying to lower the bar or prestige of the office at every turn and it’s tiring. also pot kettle or something like that...
  21. Shitshow of a game after we conceded a goal. Ashley Young is trash and as captain last night should have known better about his fucking tackles that resulted in the 2 yellows. Not a fan of the 3 at the back as we barely have 2 functioning CBs. Pogba needs to really be more of a creator for us. So many missed opportunities also after we scored our first goal. Going forward I'd like a back 4 of Dalot/Bailley/Lindelof/Shaw...wouldn't even be opposed to getting Rojo more minutes.
  22. forget it; he's rolling...and dumb.
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