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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by CowboyFred

  1. lol this is one that made me crack up as well
  2. As a Manchester United supporter, I’m not so sure about this.
  3. If we miss on any of the big names at RB, sure why not. Don’t know much about him tho to give an honest opinion.
  4. maybe include in their scholarship contracts an exception making them responsible for the fall semester's tuition for not finishing out the football season. I'd assume that almost 70% of the players would not garner enough scholarship money (academic or otherwise) without the fact that they play football. and let's be real about starting an amateur league, ain't nobody going to watch that shit. I watch Texas because of the name on the front of the jersey. I gotta admit I think it's bush league leaving your team, but I guess they have the right to do so. I know if I was on the team and some of my teammates skipped the bowl game I would be pretty disappointed with them. All of this "brotherhood" talk and whatnot and you just bail.
  5. I have a feeling we’ll be running a lot of 4-man fronts against Georgia
  6. Stop what? Did more than enough to fuck ourselves but the refs didn’t help
  7. Calzada literally pushing off the last five yards arm fully extended in front of the ref and nothing...
  8. Lol bunch of pussies in this thread still a half to play and I’m pretty sure ou still sucks
  9. bunch of Debbie downers up in here. and I wouldn't think that is "trolling" in any way...more of a convo amongst recruits
  10. shhh emoji might as well be a bullseye. they're coming to Texas
  11. I've updated the number crunching. I can confirm that as of 3:00, OU still sucks. I can tell you that only 8 minutes have passed since your last crunching of the numbers, and I, too, can confirm that ou does in fact still suck
  12. Oh and they’ll review this play but not the onside
  13. Why the hell would anyone go to Mexico City for a football game. You're just asking to receive some type of Darwin award. Because Mexico City is a badass place to visit? The football game would be a plus for me. A buddy was planning on going and I feel kinda bad this happened but agree with those saying they should've known this could happen with a concert days earlier.
  14. Uh, spectrum aka shitrum nee shithouse doesnt offer it either. channel 383 on Spectrum/Time Warner Cable
  15. this photo is from 2009...Obama > trump still
  16. CowboyFred


    But you and your people are so against it, so why do you keep taking advantage of it? I would have you report them for hiring those unauthorized to work here. I mean they’re such bad people, right?
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