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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by CowboyFred

  1. When I had a trial in front of this judge earlier this year, she often times cut off any of defense’s bs immediately. Like I said previously, this judge ain’t bout the bullshit.
  2. Judge Maya Guerra Gamble is a great judge and doesn’t really take any bullshit. edit to add: fuck Alex Jones hope they fry his ass
  3. As a Mexican, better to be likened to a breakfast taco than a murderer and rapist, no? Shitty thread is shitty
  4. I attended a wedding in August 2020 in Pagosa Springs. I was studying for the bar, my brother was working from home, and we were offered a cabin for free so we said fuck it and decided to spend a week there. You aren’t kidding about the small town Colorado being major gqp. Really wasn’t much difference between say midland with how red that area was.
  5. Me thinks that Pete Arredondo needs to Frank Pentangeli himself fucking coward
  6. Yes? They’d probably do a lot more than the trump admin and maybe not downplay it. “It’ll be gone by Easter.” why are you so bad at this? At least put your carrot profile pic back so you have something else for us to point and laugh at.
  7. Don’t know if it’s been mentioned but back in April I stumbled upon Red Ash in Colorado street after a day of pre-trial. It was pretty fucking good. We originally intended to hit Truluck’s but fucking Norton Rose had bought it that Thursday evening.
  8. I am aware that it is not just flipping a switch. My beef with the “iTs NoT jUsT fLiPpInG a SwItCh” talking point is that from most articles I’ve read (mind you not many but more than a few) is that there’s not really been any move towards even finding the fucking switch. So, again, this more an O&G industry problem not caused by any specific ENACTED policies made by Biden’s administration? Like always, the “fuck the socialists” crowd is wanting some more of that fucking socialism by way of more subsidies or incentives.
  9. Roughly 95% capacity yet we’re refining about 1 million barrels per day less than a couple of years ago. Maybe bring back online some of the refineries taken offline at the start of pandemic? Nah that costs too much and fucks with their margins. Some refineries in Texas aren’t even back up and running to prior levels, if at all, from being knocked out with the freeze.
  10. Can’t wait for all the military and ex-military maga crowd to push secession. I would assume all pensions and benefits disappear into thin air and it’s going to be glorious.
  11. “On how it affects the livelihood of American citizens” lol I bet her family had a housekeeper that used a visitor visa to work in the us and landscaping crew also lacked papers. It really angers me these first generation citizens that “bring the ladder up behind them.” Motherfuckers they didn’t want you when you came over either!
  12. Well Congress tried to pass a price gouging bill but gqp voted it down…
  13. Lol holy shit with those text messages 🤣 she’s getting cawthorne’d so bad it’s fantastic. fucked around and now finding out…glorious.
  14. 1. What has Biden done, specifically, to “worsen” fuel shortages? 2. Again, what has Biden, or his administration, done specifically to hinder the exploration and refining for hydrocarbons? 3. What does it matter what Kerry says? He’s the climate dude of course he’s going to push green energy. What has he done, policy wise that prevents more drilling? 4. Not going to read that longcat thread.
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