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Planet Houston

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Everything posted by Planet Houston

  2. First post in the thread. I fucking love Lance McCullers Jr.
  3. Hey guys! WORLD FUCKIN SERIES!!!! WOOOOOOOO!!!!! I literally love this franchise.
  4. I finally synched up the radio guys with TV. Soooo much better. But also super behind. So see y’all in the WS in a bit.
  5. You’re such a douche. I DON’T CARE ABOUT BASEBALL GUYS!! YOU SHOULD TRY IT AND HAVE A LIFE! Yeah we probably would too if we were Yankees fans. But we are busy in October.
  6. I love this team. I love owning the Yankees. Edit: Ignore those who are gone. The point still remains. How bout them Astros. We are so lucky.
  7. If Yankee Stadium had a roof that probably wouldn’t be a homer, right Booney? Loser.
  8. Today’s random thing that’s never happened before. As I said in the series thread where I also posted…I love baseball.
  9. Pretty surprising - my Astros source says our pitchers (particularly JV) don’t want it open, and MLB doesn’t flex its muscles to make them go one way or the other until the WS. I was assuming it would be closed all ALCS.
  10. He's probably faced the Astros more than any other pitcher on the Yankees staff. This proved out exactly as predicted, well done fellas. See, Yankees fans and Astros fans can find something in common!
  11. The crowd was good all night tonight - glad to see we all aren’t taking these games for granted. 17 - 2 in Ks 😂😂😂
  12. Shoutout to our fellow Horn on this one…what’s your handle Raheel??
  13. Oops. I thought the hardest was 118 or something. But a quick google does say Cruz’s 122 was the hardest ever. So it’s up there all time.
  14. I’m sure that’s the hardest hit ball in the Statcast era right? 120?!?!? Woah.
  15. I guess the Stros agree with the general sentiment (aka the numbers fully support) Yordan being a better hitter when playing LF rather than DH. Certainly with our home park dimensions. I’d give that up over using his versatility to get him in the lineup for 4 ABs.
  16. I’m shocked it’s still intact if we are being honest. That should look like the ball in The Natural.
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