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Planet Houston

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Everything posted by Planet Houston

  1. I guess the Stros agree with the general sentiment (aka the numbers fully support) Yordan being a better hitter when playing LF rather than DH. Certainly with our home park dimensions. I’d give that up over using his versatility to get him in the lineup for 4 ABs.
  2. I’m shocked it’s still intact if we are being honest. That should look like the ball in The Natural.
  3. It’ll be me and my 8 yo son on Thurs (I also have an 8 yo daughter that will be slightly jealous but it’s not nearly a thing for her like it is my boy). I’ll take a no drama W, but a repeat would be nice!
  4. Saw my buddy on TV down 7-3. The rest, they say, is history.
  5. Shot Chaser Couldn’t agree more
  7. HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. I thought those were served in other establishments?
  9. I might as well just set up a tent on the corner of Crawford and Texas. See y’all in there, look for the @henrygandorf trucker hat
  10. Wait you forgot the part where those hypocrites @Johnny Sack and @Poe It Up can’t even answer basic questions about the logic of their supposed “beliefs.” Johnny did the same thing in the abortion thread. If you really believe it, you should be able to explain it. They can’t.
  11. So home school your kids. Problem solved. Or should the non-binary kids be forced to stay home or just not talk about their feelings at school?
  12. https://historicengland.org.uk/research/inclusive-heritage/lgbtq-heritage-project/trans-and-gender-nonconforming-histories/ This is not some new phenomenon. If a human being is born and feels strongly that he/she identifies more with living as the other sex, or as non-binary, who the fuck are you to say that talking about it creates confusion? Have you ever thought about the fact that for those individuals, their entire existence is confusing? If you really think elementary school teachers are “convincing” kids that would otherwise not be “gender fluid” (or whatever label you want to put on a broad range of many, many people) to become like that, you’re delusional. In my humble opinion, giving those kids a safe place to express themselves and talk about their feelings is 10000000x more important than some bogey-man paranoia that Mrs. Brown is turning Little Johnny gay. Or is your opinion that it’s not real, and this is an indoctrination of the left to win some culture war? I would really like to understand.
  13. Handle is appropriate. Giggity.
  14. This is not true. What is true is that Click did not want to sign Mike or Gurriel. Yet we signed them. Take that for what it’s worth…
  15. Particularly 2:15 - 2:18
  16. How may assholes does it take to change a lightbulb?
  17. Special, special era fellas. I feel the same way about Altuve, @Gourmand. One more thing left to do this year.
  18. They’re the same platforms. Trump’s brand is just being obnoxious and loud about their true feelings. Alternative headline - [x]% of respondents said they wanted to keep being loud about their deplorableness, [y]% would like to see if everyone forgets if they can all just shut the fuck up.
  19. “Honour the passing of the Prince of Pegging’s dear old grandmum with your very own strap-on endorsed by Prince Willy himself!”
  20. Apparently he and Kate were hanging out at Bailey McCarhthy’s (aka Goodman, heiress of the Goodman HVAC fortune) ranch last weekend while he was on the IL. Any billionaires around here who can get the scuttlebutt on what the plan is?
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