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Planet Houston

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Everything posted by Planet Houston

  1. In all honestly, thank you. But I’d be curious to know if the people you helped share in your approval of their punishment in the name of political pettiness.
  2. Midget WE ARE SO OPPRESSED AND MISUNDERSTOOD! WE CAN’T EVEN CALL PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES BY DEROGATORY TERMS WE FEEL ENTITLED TO USE!!! So we’ll make a not-so-tongue in cheek joke about not being able to call that other group of people the letter-next-to-M word. These fuckers enrage me. Just evil to be evil.
  3. This will happen, and he’ll call it the Trump Presidential Library. Book it.
  4. And for those of you in this camp, please answer this:
  5. Good luck to your daughter in carrying out her vision and mission for her family if she is subjected to the hypothetical that was posed.
  6. I don't believe you for one second. Bull fucking shit. I'm sure your mother/sister/daughter would agree.
  7. Bauer’s Illegal Substance and I are in an epic back and forth. Can go any one of a number of ways.
  8. It’s gonna be harder to cross into Texas from the northern border than the southern border.
  9. The fuck, more COVID issues for Yordan??
  10. Yeah, I miss Nancy Reagan, too. He said fuck on cam, not fucking minorities in the can.
  11. Shitass Petfuckers hooking me up with some shitass managerial decisions. Bieber and Bassitt on the bench today, thanks for that.
  12. Although that’s super offensive to vulvas now that I think about it more. They don’t deserve the stink that is Ted Cruz.
  13. Goddammit it’s Vulvarine and that’s all there is to it. Someone on here coined the term and it’s fucking perfect.
  14. Yep, told y'all Altuve had it. Never question my sources!
  15. He sucks shit through a garden hose. Goddammit this is not fun.
  16. Man, more than I thought we’d have. There we go boys!!
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