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Planet Houston

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Everything posted by Planet Houston

  1. Really hope Paredes can get his shit under control. So electric - I am always reminded of watching a young Dotel.
  2. Also, can someone please post the league champions by year since inception? I promised to get the league a trophy last year. COVID fucked that up (seeing if the local trophy store I found had re-opened in the summer wasn’t high on my priority list) but I’m going to follow through this season.
  3. Yeah I think the upside of Tatis was going to be too much to pass on. But I passed on Trout for fucking Bellinger last year, so I’m a bit gun shy.
  4. I was sweating the prospects of passing on Trout at 3 all day. Then I fucking missed my pick because of a work obligation I could not get out of. I guess it’s meant to be. Still not sure which way I would have gone. Good luck!
  5. When we were talking about plugging holes this off-season, I thought we were talking about a new interior offensive line.
  6. Sorry @henrygandorf @TonyTexas@clapclapclap and the boys...I finally got the distress signal. Been buried at work. Let’s fucking go!!!! Kisses, PH
  7. Fuck the haters.
  8. What is he pouring over his press releases, Diet Coke? Look, just because every one of your posts is a goddamned tome doesn’t mean you’re Charles Dickens.
  9. Whatever, it’s been a grift from the beginning. All conservatism has ever been about is keeping “your” people at the top of the food chain under the guise of Jesus and deregulation. Christian nationalism is a logical evolution from “real” conservatism. Bad thing.
  10. FIFY
  11. Don’t disrespect ice cream, even murderous Aggy ice cream has infinitely more dignity than than Ted fuckin Cruz.
  12. We just got power for the first time since middle of Sunday night (other than a very short break Mon night/Tues morning). Montrose area. And I hear River Oaks is getting back online for the first time since Sunday night. So hopefully just a rolling blackout.
  13. You think enough power is available for a bunch of people to slam it again as soon as everyone wakes up? I wish I shared your optimism (if that is what you’re saying). It’s been 48 hours here in west Montrose, except for 1:30am - 10:30am today.
  14. Why on earth would Trout drop to 4 last year Because this fuckstick took Bellinger at 3 over stupid COVID related concerns. Bellinger was the MVP of my title run two years ago, but no fucking excuse. I guess I get another shot at #3 again this year...
  15. You may be smart with computers or whatever you are a dumb motherfucker. Or an outright dishonest one. Pick your poison, they both suck.
  16. Over half of the defense
  17. He doesn’t even have the stones to make fun of the easiest, most stereotypical place to make fun of - his own back yard in SEC country. Pretty telling of his character - everyone else is an outsider other than people who look, talk and pray like me. Cal is such a fucking disaster. Hannah was showing off her right-wing nuttiness fairly publicly before deleting all of her accounts. The culture in that organization for an NFL roster has to be so fucking toxic.
  18. He will. He and Easterby won’t back down. The more criticism they get the more they feel persecuted and dig in. The more “righteous” their “cause” becomes. Prosperity gospel out front shoulda told you.
  19. Go look up who Mitch McConnell’s single biggest donor in the past 10 years is. I’m thinking it’ll be the Louisville Texans. Or Mar-a-Lago Texans. One of the two. /no cr but seriously fuck these people/ What the fuck did we do to deserve this. I’m still hoping for the miracle of Jeff Hildebrand convincing them to sell.
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