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Planet Houston

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Everything posted by Planet Houston

  1. Goddammit I thought I was done with Westworld disappointing me until Season 4.
  2. Not a joke, just tongue in cheek sarcasm toward a target that was too slow to understand it was an insult. Not sure why I’m actually surprised.
  3. Sounds like a lot more people who will need to pick themselves up by the bootstraps after a harsh prison sentence that will teach them the errors of their ways. Is that how this works?
  4. And their piece of shit enablers, i.e. the entire GOP. Fuck Ted Cruz
  5. It’s basically like protesting your property taxes. Even if you know you’re not going to get anything out of it in any particular year, you’re doing it to set a precedent and for future owners of the property. Trump would basically be saving democracy, it’s easy to see.
  6. Hillary told you 4 years ago and got roasted for it. She was 100% right.
  7. Yes she will.
  8. X-post because this kills me.
  9. Goddamn this feels good!!!!!!!
  10. I did the same thing for the first 5 minutes of Michael Berry’s show yesterday. I wanted to hear the despair but just got a whole lotta insane rambling about cheating Dems and Kamala taking over the nomination now that the election is over. It’s fucking insane how much one side of the “dialogue” is better suited in North Korea.
  11. In related news, a Trump adviser just got fired for calling anything associated with Trump “black.”
  12. Soooo....what am I going to win? Other than the greatest sense of relief I’ve ever experienced for getting this fuck out of the White House?
  13. No Republican voter today is actually worried about the debt. They're worried that their paychecks and retirement accounts, and worry that they'll actually have to pay taxes on them. You left out the biggest issue that the 1% Republicans (and there are A LOT of them) worry about - low taxes. No corporate taxes. Grifting the system. Etc.
  14. CNN just reported that if Biden gets 70% of the remaining 50,000 votes left to count in GA, he would win by 20,000.
  15. If Georgia goes for Biden as well as AZ, NV and PA, then I will have nailed it other than flipping NC and GA. Yay? I guess my gut really wasn’t that confident with the Trump repudiation I wanted to see.
  16. I voted for Biden because I don’t support fascism or racism, and I’m tired of being embarrassed to be an American.
  17. Why? There's nothing in the constitution that says this. It expanded to 9 justices when the federal circuit expanded to 9. Now there are 13 circuits. What could possibly give "sanctity" to the number 9?
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