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Planet Houston

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Everything posted by Planet Houston

  1. You left out the minor detail of the unjust process when taken hand in hand with the GOP strategy with Merrick Garland. Convenient.
  2. I assume Mexico is paying. Congrats to Bunker Bitch for finally getting his wall.
  3. I still don’t understand why anyone would vote on Election Day with the widespread prevalence and campaigning for early voting. And there’s a general consensus more Republicans vote on Election Day - can someone please explain the thought process here? Just more of the same “it used to be this way so that’s how I do it” mentality? “Tradition”? I don’t get it.
  4. There are plenty of people making over $400k that support Biden. Let’s not get carried away here. But yeah - to those who support Trump for any reason, fuck them. Especially the educated and wealthy ones who know exactly who they are in bed with.
  5. Sorry, who are you? I don’t think anyone would notice.
  6. Care to elaborate?
  7. And see Kavanaugh citing it and incorrectly applying it to the facts earlier this week.
  8. I assume that anything they don’t use between now and Tuesday would be used in a runoff. Whatever, at least I’m trying to support things I believe in. And I believe motherfuckers like Perdue need to lose. Edit - this take is unfair to Ossoff. While I believe Perdue needs to lose, I spent a good amount of time researching Ossoff yesterday and I think he’s a really interesting and good candidate. It’s not only anti-Republican sentiment, we have some great candidates in their own right. If only a better candidate had been running against Cornyn...sigh.
  9. Why’s that? TV and radio ads can’t be bought between now and Tuesday? That seems unlikely.
  10. Well, if you want a different result...GET OUT THERE PEOPLE!!!
  11. I think I’ll enjoy a...er...Maker’s if he loses.
  12. https://projects.economist.com/us-2020-forecast/senate/georgia Gives Ossoff a 59% chance. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2020-election-forecast/senate/georgia/ Gives Perdue a 58% chance, haha. Point is, it’s a tossup. I just threw $100 at Ossoff. Who else is with me?
  13. Fuck yeah H-Town. It’s 35-3, don’t stop now.
  14. You’re so disingenuous. But I’m proud of you for being on brand with your party. Disingenuous actors and supporters is all the Republicans have left. Good luck with that long-term strategy.
  15. In for a Benjamin. And a pos rep for another $1.
  16. Edit - moron. I pointed out MN but Hillary won MN. But still no way.
  17. I'm watching a live discussion with Jon Meacham right now. He says that he's been talking to insiders on both sides, who are paying a lot of money for internal polls. The universal consensus is that if the election were held right now (i.e., no major bombshells that shift votes on election day) it would be a rout for Biden, in the 400 EV range. Just reporting the news, don't shoot the messenger...
  18. If it were a truly free election without voter suppression and intimidation, and a president that didn’t ask for foreign interference, then I’d agree. But...that’s not the case here.
  19. I’m not worried about anything. I’m lamenting the fact that our president has led our country to the place that a measure like this is deemed necessary, just in case. Same reason I’m incensed that a 24-hour armed security detail is deemed necessary for the Harris County Clerk (who just took over on an interim basis mere months ago, and is of course doing an amazing job) and his wife.
  20. I know that game did a lot of shit to peoples’ psyches, but turning them gay was not one I’ve heard. Always a first!
  21. My building in downtown Houston just sent out a notice that the doors will be locked to/from the outside from Tuesday night through Thursday morning, “or as long as necessary in light of anticipated potential social unrest.
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