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Everything posted by ckhorn

  1. Don't you think you might be taking this mixing a little to far. They are Master Distillers for reason.
  2. Sounds like he will do well in NFL preseason games.
  3. This thread should be longer?
  4. You got proof or are you ready to be negged into oblivion.
  5. How about we quit replaying daddy dip-shits tweets. There's no voice if there is no one there to listen.
  6. Found Old Fitz in some store in Houston yesterday. It was sitting in a case for $499. I had a good laugh.
  7. Prefer to send Will Harris to the DL instead.
  8. They want to see how the knee responds. This is a normal precaution. Geez.
  9. KO11 & MWND. Sunday is Rye day.
  10. Do you really have to ask.
  11. This is preseason. There is always world beaters in preseason. Lets give it another month before we anoint him.
  12. No you're not, you are actually better. I think most love you here on Surly. I wouldn't recommend a career change. You would soon become public enemy no.2.
  13. I'm currently looking for 5'9" smoker. Sorry that I can't help you.
  14. Okay. We need to change the fucking title of this thread back to the original and take Herman's name out of it, unless someone comes with an actual fact that he had anything to do with this. Change it to the original thread name or add, yes Zach Smith is a scumbag. We can change it to Urbans here, national championship the next year and Urban had another heart attack the following year. Whatever it is, lets disassociate this with our coach and university.
  15. God I hope not. If this is true its going to be another terrible season. Shane is not good. He had a few good games in Gilberts Offense, but once DC's started figuring out how to take the 1st read away. He would get hit and the deer in headlights look ever since.
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