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Everything posted by ckhorn

  1. What the hell did I just do. Is it time to bring our bench/hitting Coach Beltran back yet?
  2. You are like the Marwin of the Internets.
  3. Will be heading up to Tulsa this week. Any interesting Restaurants/Bars that might carry good selections of Bourbons.
  4. One of the best bad guys ever. He made that movie. I was totally floored by that when I first watched it. Couldn't believe Fonda could be a bad guy. Often wondered if Eastwood was offered the harmonica roll. Edit: Also Claudia tits made it good too.
  5. Thanks for the info. Keep it coming. I will let you know what i hear.
  6. It took me awhile to get use to it. Now I'm rollin.
  7. You are like the Marwin of the Internets.
  8. Going to miss Hopkins. He was great as usual. Jeffrey Wright got this.
  9. That looks like Heaven.
  10. Has anyone visited the Island recently. How is the clean up coming along. Don't trust the media or drive byes. Let me know what it is like. This will be the 1st year in Five that we have not visited. Have a lot of in-laws there, but they complained how bad it was before Maria. Also, any word on the shape Vieques or Culebra.
  11. This is correct. It will be hard to find at these stores. Go to the privately owned stores or the woods.
  12. After Leal, everyone else can be number 1.
  13. Checked out Pappas Delta Blues Smokehouse tonight. The Beef Rib was terrific, but very expensive as was most of the menu. Its like a high end BBQ joint.
  14. Not for me. I can usually find 107 every other month someplace. I haven't seen 12 in about 6 month or more, but have been able to purchase 3 12's in the last week. They are out there right now. Once they are gone, I wouldn't expect to see anymore until the late summer/early fall. What's your view on Orphan Barrel. I have had several bars trying to push this to me over the last several weeks. One of them had the Rhetoric 23 for $50. Thought that was a bit much for a bourbon I know little about.
  15. Looks like you have old papa charlies surrounded.
  16. Gagreed. A little pricey at $109 a bottle.
  17. Picked up a Signatory 28 year Scotch at Specs. Should be right up your alley. Pretty good too. You should also give Highland Park 18 a try. Both a little over 100 a bottle. It was a good buy for me.
  18. I heard they have terrific steaks. Have yet to try it out.
  19. Most of these shitty burger joints have pretty good burgers, just not in the same league as Stanton's.
  20. This guy has been pretty good in everything i've seen him in. Should have let him do his thing and not try to clone him into Harrison Ford. I mean there is only one HF.
  21. Maybe he needs to be at a program that is a big underdog, but you can only be one for so long. All I know, its not working here. Fairly certain, next year is his last year.
  22. This thread is meaningless until we get a new coach. I thought this guy was going to be the best hire the basketball program has ever had. Maybe we can keep him on as a recruiting coordinator.
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