Picked up a half height refrigerator that was turned into a two-tap kegerator (literally, picked it up--- someone had put it out on the curb in the hood on bulk week). Cleaned it up, plugged it in. Bingo, works. Even had corny kegs with it (which looked newish). So, I'm going to 'repurpose' it. But, need some help, as I am a kegging newbie. Have only ever bottled. Too lazy to this point to build a keezer.
Will need to add a CO2 bottle. Early research say buy a used 5lb bottle at Specs and exchange there (in Dallas). Didn't have a regulator, so, ordered a dual, along with new gas and beer lines (old ones were pretty moldy), hose clamps, and disconnects. Cleaned the taps- they look to be in really good shape. So, think I have the hardware side complete once I get all the parts in. Looks like this thing should hold two 5 gallon corny kegs plus a CO2 bottle.
Is there a good reference on how to practically carb up beer in a steup like this? Do I need to add an inkbird (which I have on my fermenting chiller) to control temperature?