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tx 3 putt

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Everything posted by tx 3 putt

  1. as a smu big cigar, how much are you chipping in to hire cdc ?
  2. 50% of the new workforce will be in the far east
  3. not sure if this the onion or not, rfk jr acknowledged $1.2 mil in cc debt today
  4. of course he makes that call, with a very large check in hand. i'd imagine smu has some big cigars make him tell you no. cdc can easily not take the call. im thinking it doesn't go anywhere
  5. lee greenwood
  6. plan on going all 3 days with my dad baseball is back
  7. their Sunday night chicken fried steak is delicious
  8. stolen : any fish you wish
  9. all gas, no brakes. f the sides !!!!!!
  10. grab a tea for that long walk , for sure
  11. if the plan is to let private industry pick up the slack, a lot of former federal employees will have job offers. pay and benefits will probably suck. their new companies won't give a shit if they work from home or not
  12. curious when he'll make am and ut presidents come out against in state rates for non citizens / daca kids ? florida is once again, ahead of him on this hot button issue
  13. trump had already said elon 'helped' with his pennsylvania numbers
  14. how quickly did putin get that info ?
  15. trump's ego can only take so much
  16. itll be $5 by the all star game and many here will order one
  17. the press just has to keep hammering trump on elon being the real president over and over and over
  18. heismen should have been offense and defense a loooooong time ago
  19. tx 3 putt


    start the GILF thread
  20. nfl needs to break up the mvp award - mvp qb mvp offense mvp defense qb winning it almost every year is boring
  21. supreme court has already said that trump is above the law while performing acts of being president
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