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tx 3 putt

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Everything posted by tx 3 putt

  1. win this series tomorrow
  2. 3 fucking hits
  3. stanek time
  4. okert time pop fly scores one
  5. big nothing sandwich
  6. womp womp
  7. rally time !!! altuve !!
  8. altuve is too far right n right handed batters ...
  9. Yordan Time ...
  10. browns fastball is very flat, zero movement
  11. soto bomb
  12. brown needs to get his shit together
  13. jake the rake !!!!
  14. get a lead and knock out 5 asap
  15. a dub is a dub
  16. fans and workers getting to the stadium too
  17. this is how they kick everyone out, then make everyone verify themselves in person. with reduced staff and offices
  18. why can't they build the new system and keep the old one going until the new system is proven ? who else bid on building this new system ?
  19. need to take care of business
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