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tx 3 putt

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Everything posted by tx 3 putt

  1. it’s all over but the lawsuits, false accusations, election ‘officials’ fuckery and crying
  2. green has a dislocated shoulder from last night
  3. opec is ready for their revenge once trump is back in office
  4. I do enjoy how trump has thrown him out like the trash
  5. he only called for pointing guns at her head, no one said the guns had bullets !!!
  6. very weird cover story for gay sex
  7. can a felon be threatening people like that ? 🤔🤔🤔🤔
  8. hard to get an abortion when there are no doctors !!!!!
  9. texans 3rd string OL talk gets old i catch the opening and then switch over to 93 da beat
  10. they don’t even mention the house except for every house race is a coin toss
  11. right wing radio is preaching a big trump win and +5 senate
  12. in south carolina, he’ll get a medsi also, lulz@ alabama and mississippi don’t have open early voting. i’m sure hot wheels is jealous
  13. the saudis are ready to help him and regain market share
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