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Certifiably Surly
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  1. Way to go out in a limb.
  2. Has anyone ever seen him and bad teammate in a room together?
  3. No, it's realized that for them, every accusation is a confession. You really think the piece of shit who tried a coup on 1/6/21 (and all this other shit) is going to go quietly this time? But go ahead, ana2, both sides this.
  4. It means there are a number of scenarios where, if we actually do have elections, the result will be predetermined or won’t actually matter.
  5. We won’t have real ones. As someone way down the potential state’s enemies list, I should be more sanguine about my personal situation. I just can’t be. My hope is I slowly get numb to it all. My children are still young and I need to keep myself going for them. Kudos to you for keeping your chin up.
  6. Don’t do that to yourself. They’re “concerned.” Nothing more. Hope is gonna drive you crazy. All that’s left to do is watch the train wreck and figure out how to make it through to the other side a couple decades from now.
  7. Law schools are behind the times, still teaching that the rule of law, precedence, and stare decisis matter. I bet they still cling to the antiquated idea that no one is above the law.
  8. Not yet. But they will very soon.
  9. I will never lose all hope that some things are immutable. I didn't lose that hope when Charlie botched a coin toss, when Arky held us to one Watson in Houston, when our HFC cried on the sidelines and when aggy landed the "best recruiting class EVARRR," and certainly won't now. Now, democracy? That's done. Every other decent thing about this country? Yeah, America is shit just like all the other countries to exist. The very idea that we'll go down swinging before handing almost literally everything of value over to New York and South African conmen and a Russian autocrat? No, looks like we'll just type out our grievance then trudge willingly into proverbial boxcars. But, my good man, aggy will always be aggy. See, box score aggy at Texas, 1/25/2025.
  10. Except 1939, if you're aggy.
  11. I may re-read of The Guns of August instead of doomscrolling for the next couple weeks.
  12. You're simply being obtuse at this point. They aren't going to run without some support. You know better, but your framing of this holds out the Demcratic Party as a corporation with agents in every county and district. They're simply choosing not to run people in Montgomery County, for example. It isn't that there are plenty Dems there who would think about running for something, but understand the futility of it. Instead its DemCo simply choosing to sit it out. "Contest every race." Requires candidates, right? Where there is local support they do run. Where there isn't, they'll need outside money if you're going to run the touchdown play. Contest every race either requires money that isn't there or a shift in ideology that shifts the entire landscape. It requires an entirely different big tent. Running better national and statewide candidates out there, ones who seem genuine, but are simply warmed over centrists, will also do nothing in giving it a run in 3144 counties. Your point that the party as constructed is spinning its wheels is sound. The bullet point "contest every race" is not. A better party might get there organically.
  13. It is for the specific thing you were talking about.
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