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Certifiably Surly
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  1. That’s just smart pivoting. Come at me with my own statement? Watch as I brush you off and get some good shit out there in my soundbite. Far from walking it back, that was a politico mini-clinic.
  2. Yep, on 1/20/29:
  3. We need some clarity on when ‘Murrica was great. If it’s 1956, the DJIA closed just under 500 that year. At the rate we’re going we’ll be “great aagain” right about the end of the year.
  4. Good chance that’s just the WWI equivalent of this epoch, not the reset we need, but the half-assed one we deserve to get, good and hard. Sometime after all that, the real fun begins.
  5. The last couple pages are symbolically on topic. In Trump’s America all conversations are dominated, in terms of volume, by the stupidest person in the room.
  6. You'll get a succession of Liz Trusses instead.
  7. I would be surprised you read it that way, but I’ve represented too many sick people to be shocked anymore.
  8. That's the facial hair of a combo bait shop and used tire store owner . . . Or of the kind of sex offender who tells their attorney "if I did it, it was so she'd know what boys her age are all trying to do to her," while maintaining his innocence after being shown extremely damning DNA test results of swabs from a rape kit and from multiple bedding articles found in the child's room as well as from a half dozen used condoms found in a corner of the garage. Said condoms he claims he only used to masturbate in because he has rough hands and needs to jerk it frequently because of how much the child arouses him in ways that clearly make it her fault, if he did it, but he definitely didn't.
  9. Michael Lewis did a chapter on Trump nominating Barry Myers, CEO of Accuweather to be the Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere in The Fifth Risk. Good read, if you want to freak yourself out more about Trump 2.0. The potrait he painted of Trump 1.0 was bad enough.
  10. Recession: When Bad Times Prevail
  11. Now they just grift, like Rick Wilson in that video above, or most of the posters touting the newest worst thing evar! on Twitter/BlueSky.
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