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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by softlynow

  1. Nah. That's old news. Stories are new stuff. Hawk tuah, not Scottie Scheffler's arrest. Everyone who may actually watch CNN knows Trump is a liar. That's ancient history by their standards. New drives clicks, sells ads. Run old shit, and you just lost someone to the Stanley Cup or to their TikTok feed. If the Biden campaign is savvy, they'll break the news cycle with something new. Who knows, maybe they needed this to allow some ignored jr. staffer to run with some risky, but high upside stunt?
  2. Why, the fuck, did they even stage one in June?
  3. 80. I'd nominate him for governor of Nebraska, though.
  4. Mack Brown, 72, is tanned, rested and ready.
  5. What % of the electorate is paying attention to any of that? 2? 3?
  6. I know they talked about it. But they didn't have enough folks to go along with any scheme they could come up with to ignore the votes and put in an also ran. I'm saying that even if Dems DO end up having a sufficient number of people inclined to ditch the rules, they won't because pussy Dems.
  7. A vocal push because some were scared of an "unconventional" candidate, sure. But that candidate had enormous support, and did not uniformly scare the power brokers in the party that his candidacy was a threat to democracy. Trump's second term is existential in nature. If the partys were flipped, it was a Dem nominee who was openly campaigning to end the Republic, and a Biden-type was the GOPs guy headed into the convention. I would put money on an event like tonight scuttling that nomination. I can't do that for the Dems.
  8. No it isn't. The Democratic Party in the fifth party system ('32-'80) was big enough to hold just about every point of view, other than isolationism and communism. Racist and non-racist. Tax and spend and austerity. Open the borders, close 'em tight. Unto the breach . . . War, huh, what is it good for? There is certainly a centrist/progressive divide on a lot. But in general, those factions are way closer to each other than the extremes in the DNC were in, say, 1972. Hell, Biden got everyone on board before the Super Tuesday vote last time around.
  9. Read the orientation material we recieved when crossing the aisle. Dems take that more seriously than they should, while Pubs ...
  10. Nah, that's not a problem. The quick news cycle is our ally in this situation. People will be tired of hawk tuah meme's pretty soon. So will it be with negative talk about how disjointed the Dems are right after the convention. Unless somehow the nominee is a Marianne Williamson. Then, yeah, no chance. And this isn't the fractious Dem party of the '70s. Dems are in general alliance on most things, with a couple very notable exception, of course. But this isn't a gigantic tent trying to keep southern conservatives and northeast liberals in voting lockstep.
  11. Remember, Dems are pussies. No way they play that game. I agree that in the same situation (it's not the same because Trump cult), the GOP's rules, whatever they may be, are more like guidelines, or even just words that can be rearranged at will.
  12. I think Gavin riding with a dramatic convention nomination, a few days after Biden addresses the nation LBJ-style, would be great TV/Social Media, would run his candidate ID up to where it needs to be, and would give all the folks bitching about having two old people to select from a real choice. The right's greatest advantage against a Dem presidential nominee is the slow-drip-drip of turning people against them on their media outlets, in chain emails, and at the watercooler. It's what made Clinton, Bill a great candidate. "Who? Well, I gues I can vote for him." But then made Clinton, Hillary a terrible candidate. "Yeah, Billary. Man is that pants-suit lesbian actually be president. No way!" Dems with little record of being slurred by right-wing media, and the often complicit mainstream media, fare MUCH better than the old hand. Biden won because Trump fucked up COVID. Period. We probably could have, in retrospect, nominated a number of other folks and pulled out that win. Of course, who eles could've made it through the Dem nominating process is a totally different discussion.
  13. Delegates elected to the national convention pledged to a presidential candidate shall in all good conscience reflect the sentiments of those who elected them.[12]” —Rule 13(J), 2020 Delegate Selection Rules I think he would have to say, "I'm out" and release the pledged delegates.
  14. I think Barack could convince him.
  15. This pre-convention debate really seemed odd to me. If this really was the Dems doing, I'm now curious as to whether it was meant to give Joe a chance to stand aside for a new nominee at the convention, should he not be up to the task.
  16. While that is correct, she was not the person to break through that barrier. Jackie Robinson was a brilliant choice to break the baseball color barrier because, among other things, he was an all-timer. Kamala struggled in the early primary debates, and this is coming from someone who thought she might just be the candidate in Dec 2019/Jan 2020. The first black woman to be a presidential nominee of a major party will have to be a great candidate, not just one good enough to win a nomination were she a white male. Not a Dukakis or a Mondale or a Dole or a Biden or a GWB. Obama won because he was political Jackie Robinson. Kamala wasn't that. I guess she might grow and be that if she tries again, but in 2020, no. All that said only reinforces your point. Her candidacy was short-lived because she's a black woman.
  17. Rex apparently wouldn’t. That’s pretty telling.
  18. That’s pretty sad. About your daughters not being the types to be in a band, that is.
  19. You would never support your daughter?
  20. Nuremberg defense. Except for cops it’s a winner.
  21. Sure, if she makes a "threat of exposure." Nothing in the Independent article says she actually threatened him. She wrote,“Twenty-three years after you began destroying my life, I am still dealing with the pain and damage you caused. I want some type of restitution. Pray about it and call me." It seems pretty clear that he was simply trying to intimidate her.
  22. It seems that a lot of y'all are fucked. I will miss you bigly.
  23. Ra’s al Ghul was right.
  24. Why? It wouldn’t change a single vote.
  25. No we need a Democratic Party which is savvy to the state of public discourse. Dems need deferential hacks like Schumer to step aside and let the AOCs and Newsoms take the lead. And those leaders need to direct their money men to utilize the never-Trumpers and fight to fucking win, rather than running plays from Tom Herman's Playbook for Winning is Hard with a 2 Point Lead. Flood social media and create soundbites that the networks can't resist running. Stop waiting for events to create favorable news cycles, and create them for themselves. In short, stop being everything we know Democrats to be since Reagan put them on the defensive. Also, the Fairness Doctrine would not apply to NewsMax, Fox News, OANN, etc., because they are not licensed by the government to use a certain frequency. Red Lion v. FCC cemented the FD's constitutionality* because of that distinction. Miami Herald Publishing Co. v. Tornillo clearly ruled that the FD or any analogue could not be applied against the disinformation apparatus of the modern GQP. * Besides, you know the Roberts court would just overturn Red Lion, given the chance.
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