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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by softlynow

  1. 5 star fraud
  2. I have doubts that he's Chilean.
  3. People in the FN (or the more deplorable networks) bubble are unreachable, but they aren't sufficient to win jack shit. An actual cut to SS is the end of the GQP as a viable national party. Now, a new center-right leaning party that peels off folks from the Dems is a possible result, but that might take an election cycle or two for that to shake out. We're overdue for a party coalition shake-up. The current "system" has arguably existed since Nixon's southern strategy. The previous systems all lasted 30-40 years.
  4. Social Security checks still go out during government shutdowns. However, the military not being paid would present a rather large PR crisis.
  5. Some of us? How dare you!
  6. Charles III would probably show his contempt for us and hand that authority over to the Duchess of Sussex.
  7. No, they know the media are their willing allies. The same media they disparage incessantly are as spineless, incopetent and complicit as everyone else involved in our current predicament. The journalistic standards that evolved in the age of Murrow are insufficient in an age where one party is nihilist. Add in that journalists are all chasing clicks seeking sweet 7-figure TV gigs, along with the fact that the owners of mass media are all happy to have the tax-cuts-are-magic folks in power, and you get 24-hour both-siderism that the billionaire class is only too happy to exploit. They truly are morons, but a moron with the settings on mouth-breather and all the cheat codes at the ready can still beat most video games. Put another way, hand Greg Davis the '99 Rams or '07 Patriots and he'll likely win more than his fair share.
  8. It's amazing, and if you think about it, explains so much. We all have our own TheJosh to deal with. Laws and other rules are made to deal with, and sometimes by TheJosh. Wars are fought over misunderstandings of TheJosh proportions. I sometimes think TheJosh may now be the Lt. Governor of Texas.
  9. OK, sure. (Caveat: I have no clue why the evidence below was relevant, because I was not inovolved in the litigation, just present in the courtroom at the time) This involves a Pro se litigant in a trial in which she is fighting to retain certain rights to parent her biological child. The opposing attorney had a witness on the stand to, among other things, lay the predicate for and describe the contents of a photograph. The appropriate testimony is given to admit the photograph, and, over a non-sensical non-legal objection, it is entered. Fine. Then counsel asks the witness to describe the contents of the photograph. She begins: Witness: "It depicts the Respondent fisting another woman" Respondent: "Objection your honor, [turning to witness] how can you say I was fisting her when my fingers were only halfway in?" Judge: "M'am. I have asked you time after time to address the Court and not the witness when you make an objection. Now, do you have a legal objection? Respondent: "She can't just sit there and lie like that! It's not fisting if your whole fist doesn't go in the vagina!" Judge: "OK. There having been no legal objection made, your objection is overruled."
  10. Every time a thread gets bogged down like this I am reminded of a real gem of a thread in which bodybuilders argue about the number of days in a week. The link (bodybuilding.com)
  11. What's confusing about it? TBH, from the sidelines, the only 2 confusing things are how you don't understand his point and why I bothered reading all of these posts.
  12. softlynow


    Seriously folks. Do not feed the troll. If you find you have the urge to respond just remember that you're treating him like the media treats the GQP - as simply a side that needs coverage, and the individuals who have a legitmate viewpoint that needs addressing. Stop treating him as an equal. Please.
  13. I'm confused. This place is for the good people?
  14. I've met NA (AM). If it's a bit, he is fucking committed.
  15. Or even if it was just some of them.
  16. I guess I should take "Internship - Office of Senator Robert Menendez" off my resume now.
  17. You may have questions, but I think that video explains the travesty that is the Houston Texans quite nicely. On top of all the terrible visuals, the audio editing on that thing is shitty. I would say it is beyond embarrasing that a professional team is associated with that, but Houston hasn't had a professional football team since 1996.
  18. Ours was good and terrible. But this …
  19. I don't know about that. The game was played in mid-October and I watched at home. What I do remember is a friend who did go and sat even with the back of the south endzone and that Dawson's kick was practically vertical at the end because of how hard the wind was blowing that day.
  20. Not top 5 or even 10, but not mentioned above, and one I'll always remember as a senior headed to UT the following year (Dawson's kick to win at 2:46:46):
  21. What was the question?
  22. This one?
  23. Lol. The post above yours. You know how we often complain that our various failed football coaches don’t effectively self-scout and shore up weaknesses? This is kinda like that.
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