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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by softlynow

  1. I'm with you. If Byrne is smart and feels secure, he should just delete Dabo from any list he has. I understand that it might become the safe play. Dabo failing would likely not haunt Byrne or result in his firing. But Dabo will fail, and there are a dozen guys out there that a real search would reveal that would not fail (meaning they would keep Bama in the playoffs on a yearly basis and at least win a couple SEC titles). I have no clue if Byrne is smart and/or feels secure. But I'm glad it's not Castiglione or CDC in that job. Either of them would take their swings at the DeBoer/Lanning/Norvell/Sark tier and then move to find the best fit amongst the non-splash names who can really coach.
  2. That didn’t suck.
  3. One could always ask that question, and the best answer is ALWAYS, "no one should give a shit what that moron is on about."
  4. Mine is that the right-leaning folks who don't engage on substance, but instead bitch about sources, or cannot admit even self-evident facts are true hold their political views almost entirely based on emotion. They may even think they have rational reasons for their beliefs, but, when I've heard them try to lay it out, it almost always derives from their feels. I think it's why so many of them resort to trolling. They're broken inside, and need the dopamine hit from triggering their enemy. Now, don't take me saying "they're broken" as me judging them. To some extent, we're all broken inside. Most of us just cope with it in ways other than advocating that the government make other people's lives harder and in doing so becoming a tool for billionaires to amass greater weath. For that, I judge them.
  5. He was on fire because we played passively. When we attacked this year and tonight, good things happened. Penix was going to beat us on great throws. He made a few of them. We didn’t really make him have to much because of the plan we rolled with until the 4th q.
  6. I’m only really mad at the defensive game plan. Penix was going to get 300+ no matter what. We needed to play aggressive for 4 quarters and not expect a 4 man rush to get anywhere near the QB against an OL that gave up 11 sacks all year. Just an atrocious game plan that, when we ditched it because we had to be aggressive, unsurprisingly good things started happening. i don’t know how PK could have coached this team through the UH, KSU and TCU games and still run that plan out there. When we were passive this year we failed. We were mostly passive for 3 quarters tonight.
  7. We’re not allowed to be assholes here anymore? What kind of woke shit is this?
  8. They won't need to be too creative, really. Scalia wrote this in his dissent to Arizona v. United States: "As a sovereign, Arizona has the inherent power to exclude persons from its territory, subject only to those limitations expressed in the Constitution or constitutionally imposed by Congress. That power to exclude has long been recognized as inherent in sovereignty." 5 or 6 (will Roberts flip?) on the court will just go with this reasoning this time around (though Thomas and Alito will likely write concurrences, given the different path they took in their dissent last time). Next up Abbot will call for the creation of a special division of DPS whose sole mandate is to hunt down undocumented workers. They will, of course, become the best funded agency in the state, because shit in the Chryons on Fox News or OAN are the real problems government is meant to tackle.
  9. Got to give credit to Andre Ware for being completely unafraid of being wrong and then absolutely unwilling to learn from his mistakes. If there's a replay in a Texans game, he routinely predicts the wrong outcome. Basically his color commentary is like looking at a photo negative.
  10. Iowa tonight. 0 points, 155 yards. 3 TOs. More penalty yards (46) than rushing (35).
  11. I’d love to avoid a rematch. Saban still has his fastball and somehow having FSU luck into a title game against us would greatly please me. I think Bama would beat either UM or Wash.
  12. Oh, nice twist. The plot thickens!
  13. So Bama over UGA, Texas over Bama and OU sneaks their way in yet again.
  14. Lot of ACC on the committee member resumes, inuring the chair. I don’t think this is the year an undefeated ACC champ gets left out.
  15. The SEC will be represented. Stop lying to yourselves. Right now, Wash, Bama and Mich (100 out of 100 times Mich wins this game) are in.
  16. Bad Teammate’s screen name checks out.
  17. Duke has to replace 15 starters, I think. He might realize his chance to cash is now or never.
  18. When thinking these thoughts, your immediate reaction should have been that he's either a grifter or a vacuous oppotunist. He's ugly Tulsi Gabbard. Noteworthy enough for a wikipedia page, and ultimately nothing more.
  19. Steven is Tipene in Maori and is Tapani, Tahvo or Teppo in Finnish.
  20. 5 star fraud
  21. I have doubts that he's Chilean.
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