Quoting you as a jumping off point, but rambling to follow.
I disagree that the phrasing of BLM was intended to seek that response. I do agree that provokes that response, but unintentionally.
I think that's the same thing with DTP. It's an inartfully-coined rallying cry.
And it's the kind of shit that detracts from the message to the point that a winning issue with the public magically becomes a loser with the electorate in the hands of the talented marketers aligned with the Republican Party.
When pressed on issues I'm more aligned, these days, with radicals. But unlike the radicals, I know a losing ad campaign when I see it.
You don't win elections by getting the discussion going. Do that shit in off years. Work on changing attitudes in the arts, entertainment, scholarship, etc. You win elections by making people afraid of things and telling them who's to blame for it. "Defund the police" does the opposite of that. Suddenly the police and "law and order" Republicans aren't the bad actors, a potentially lawless future is. It takes a winning issue in police brutality, and makes your party an easy mark for criticism. The people not already voting Dem see police as necessary, maybe even necessary evils, but necessary. You don't agree? Fine, but you aren't picking the next government all of us are.
If you don't win elections you don't get your reforms. You want ANY of the DTP policies to have half a chance? WIN. Welcome the Lincoln Projects guys onto the team and fucking WIN. Then go get your reforms passed. Never Trumpers are not going for DTP. Time to regroup and rebrand this reform policy. Biden has signaled he's going to do exactly that.