You want real change? Run up the score, don’t look for progressive purity. You could get the leftiest lefty in the WH, but jack shit changes if you’ve got a tiny majority in the house and turtle still obstructs everything in the senate.
Run with the one whose coattails are the longest. And for fucks sake, drop this no pac money bs. Movement conservatives got the changes they wanted back in the ‘50s by first capturing the GOP then using every available resource, from legitimate and semi-legitimate to outright criminal over the following decades to get where we are. Dems need to stop deluding themselves that what’s right or good for regular folks will win out. Take the bad men’s money, get power and fuck em.
Warren can play logic games about having corporate money? Great! That’s the kind of fuckery you need to win.
Biden and Sanders need to go away. Biden as nominee means less base enthusiasm. Sanders means defending the constant professorial dive into why socialism shouldn’t be a bad word for white collar workers who grew up in the Cold War, thus a real chance to leave them to be picked off by trump.
Buttigieg, I’d love to see make his run, but I think he’d also be less likely to lead a wave in Congress, for the obvious reason.
Anyway, I feel differently than y’all who’re interested in the exact plans 46 has for us. I just want a Dem with a cushion in Congress. We got Obamacare knowing it would end the careers of some in Congress. You need those kinds of numbers for real, immediate change. Otherwise you’re just hoping to strike a few deals with the current Trump-enabling assholes who know any thing they vote for will be looked at as an opening to be primaried. Give me the most inspiring choice. I’m looking at Warren and Kamala right now, but maybe someone down the list can break out in the next 3-4 months. If the pecking order is similar in the late fall, I hope it’s Warren or Kamala who grab the early momentum in Iowa and NH. I think either of them could offer the right mix of being inspirational to the base and non-threatening to fragile, centrist white males.
Long term, the Dems could do with a better messaging apparatus. But that’s been true so long, it’s hardly worth hoping for. Label your ideas better before Pubs have a chance.