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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by softlynow

  1. I don’t understand the need to get the impeachment failure over so quickly. You try, fail, then that pressure is off, and Trump goes back to slinging red meat nonstop. Right now he has to flail about threatening to investigate the investigators, declassifying CIA processes that shouldn’t be and otherwise pissing off all but the brain dead. But the b_ts of the world need their golden egg-laying goose right now(!), so here we are, arguing with the instant gratification folks instead of keeping the heat squarely on a senile, functional mentally challenged, despicable racist who can end the world if he sees no other way out.
  2. So, rather than using this forum for oversight of public officials, you’re saying the people would be better served by having a congressional hearing, which almost no one watches, spend time teaching a concept that is easily explained in a few paragraphs on a website? And nice blind jab at her credentials which you didn’t seem remotely aware of until today.
  3. Katie Porter is the rep who, a couple months ago, schooled the director of the CFPB with the consumer law textbook she wrote. I’m guessing she knows what’s she’s talking about.
  4. "Damn, all that asshatery and I'm still $300,000 in debt!"
  5. Your tears seem librul-ish to them, so their answer would be "yes."
  6. He wants to put Tupac on the $100 bill and replace the Jefferson Memorial with one for Rodney King.
  7. He won’t stop with the city name. Country, continent, planet, solar system, quadrant, galaxy ...
  8. This show is pretty boring. The characters are meh, the plot lines somehow simultaneously outlandish and repetitive, and the plot twist of the obviously guilty guy getting another season has really fallen flat. The show runners need to take a cue from True Detective and put in a whole new cast next season.
  9. He's just a placeholder until Honey Boo Boo is eligible.
  10. Distracting? Sure. Counterproductive? In what way? What would the GOP congressional majority that couldn't pass anything but a silly tax bill done differently?
  11. I won't be satisfied with less than 173.
  12. Y’all need to calm the fuck down. Barely anyone is paying attention to this shit right now, and an apology on things like teenage hacking and the like kills the story, while a no comment/digging in gives it air for another day or so. This is the oppo dump that helps clear the way forward to concentrate on message and let his style do its work.
  13. Sounds like your beef is with the Guaido government-in-waiting. And said interim government appears to want to make the case for becoming the next elected government by taking steps now to improve the lives of its constituents. That or securing cash/clout to take permanent power via extra-legal means. Either way, in order to deter Guaido from his course we’d likely have to intervene militarily.
  14. He’s gonna get desperate soon. If he seeks advice from the Kremlin, I’ll be concerned that the next distraction play involves serious violence, something making caging children look quaint. If he sticks with the Miller/Kushner/Junior braintrust, i’ll be concerned about the stress on my body from the uncontrollable laughing.
  15. Dem 2020 policy positions can be left, just cannot be absurd. Pubs will portray them as far left regardless. But they must present positions that give activists reason to be excited, and the 2-3% who are real swing voters (whether it's from one party to the other, or from non-voter to voter) reason to listen. Dems have to convince people their lives really could change for the better. That probably means at least a riff or three off of things you would consider far left.
  16. How else are they supposed protect them from their sex trafficking donors?
  17. So we have no principles, those non-existent principles lose a lot, and many times when these things that don't exist lose, we're harmed. Who said you can't divide by zero?
  18. Texas re-elected an AG under indictment, Danny Goeb and gave Goodhair 3 terms. Might as well add us, too.
  19. AOC’s emergence is a good thing. Fox and the rest spend much of their time running down someone not on the ballot, and who clashes a bit with House leadership. When the Dem nominee is picked, there’ll be less room in the little pea brains of their viewers to fill with more relevant lies.
  20. Libs need to make up their mind. Is “trans-“ a good prefix or a bad prefix? Transfat, bad, transgender, good. It’s all so confusing.
  21. Still waiting for the taco trucks on every block. The five blocks I currently have to walk is rough on my suits in July and August.
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