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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by softlynow

  1. People singing about cheap plastic cups and playing video games make millions a year. Peanuts cause mass panic. Snorting condoms up the nose became a thing. I’m surprised most of us still shit in toilets.
  2. They won’t ride him out if it a significant number of Pub congresspersons, who are safe from being primaries, think they’ll lose if tied to him. Remeber, they don’t care about others. They, modern “conservatives” care only about #1. The presidency? Fuck that, they’ll think. MY meal ticket is on the line. But I have little confidence that the numbers move. Losing their nomination fight will remain the bigger worry for most of what’s left. Those 20? We could have the pee tape, a tape of Putin secretly initiating DOTUS into the cheka and a run down of hundreds of treasonous acts he’s to make after Putin puts him in office, and you’ll get maybe 5.
  3. If the Strauss-Howe theory holds, we’re 5-10 years away from getting clear of this crisis.
  4. You'll have to forgive him. He was designed with only one bit of storage to catalog the range of political persuasions.
  5. If a tree falls on UH fan alone in a forest, would anyone care?
  6. So raising rates is this country's fever mechanism. Crank those rates up and kill the infection in the White House. Another increase of 1-2 more points leads to Trump firing Powell, which would probably tank the markets at an unthinkable rate and definitely give Senate Pubs cover to vote for removal after a swift impeachment in the House.
  7. Honestly, I think I made being poor in the future sound not so bad.
  8. The distraction of the masses will be complete when sex robot are as ubiquitous as TVs.
  9. “unscripted”
  10. “Did I?”
  11. You guess?
  12. Sounds like the “experts” are Rush and Hannity. We really shouldn’t let old white people make tv schedules.
  13. I don’t watch “unscripted” tv. Can one of y’all Survivor, Pawn Stars or Big Brother fans tell me what usually happens now at this point in the plot?
  14. I saw it once in a theft case. I suspect if this was brought to any judge I regularly practice in front of, there’s a good chance it doesn’t get accepted. Then again, the ADAs here wouldn’t make such a deal to begin with. They’re more of a kill em all let god sort em out lot.
  15. I'm glad you put that 40% in a post. I do not want to un-ignore that fucker, but his notion that the agenda of hatred and evil would get 55% approval is idiotic. That 40% is both the ceiling and the floor for the "Bannon ideology" (to the extent the loose connection of policies driven by fear and ignorance can be called an ideology). And that number goes down as boomers continue to die off.
  16. I’m more curious about his votes/opinions w/r/t police procedure and the war on drugs. He has, in only a few difficult cases, consistently favored the police/governmental position. Abortion shit seems to get a lot of conservatives wet, but the I think the ever-increasing overreach of law enforcement into our lives should get more discussion. I would think our self-styled libertarians would agree.
  17. Are some of y’all really concerned that Dems will NOT be total pussies when they regain power? OU will cease to suck before that happens.
  18. So we’re gonna win the conference again in 2024? Is Beck gonna be here until 2030?
  19. Fuck waiting for 2025. Sue for breach of contract for failing to provide competent officiating. It’ll take years to sort the suit out, and in the meantime when the tv contracts are voided there’ll be no entity left to carry on the suit once all the decent schools bail to preserve some kind of media income.
  20. the conference wants the playoff spot.
  21. Ukraine is Putin’s Sudetenland. This time the West is represented not by a Chamberlain, but by a Mosley.
  22. What kind of tiny hands, cuck president has to ask for permission to enact a policy? Sad and weak!
  23. Not a chance. He offers nothing that many with better name recognition don’t already offer. His tv spots will be a little remembered trivia question 10 years from now.
  24. We will be in a dangerous place if texags actually becomes a mainstream site. It’s not. Remember that the aggy students rallied pretty well when Richard Spencer appeared there in ‘16, and they made the right call the next year cancelling the WLM event. Texags is for the fanatical redasses longing for a return to a glory day that never existed. So, naturally it attracts the racist and racist-adjacent minority of their alumni.
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