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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by softlynow

  1. When the Cubs won the World Series, we entered the darkest timeline.
  2. To make money for Breitbart? Sure it is. Same shit as FNC. They know their market.
  3. They're no differently situated than any citizen that gets paid cash.
  4. We're in the golden age of TV. Ain't nobody got time for that shit. I'm going with 2020, polonium poisoning. Chaos is a ladder.
  5. You didn't need to confirm that you had said interest, but thanks.
  6. They know. They don't care. Evangelicalism has been politically weaponized, and it is impervious to logic, decency and convention. God's will must be done. If their god actually cared for people, it wouldn't be such a problem. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled only required a steady diet of donuts.
  7. Based on some article in a magazine, my mom banned The Simpsons in our household and gave The Cosby Show her glowing approval. I view that as a win-win, though. I now have a nuclear trump card for any moralizing commentsshe makes in any setting, and I get to see many episodes of The Simpsons during its prime as if they’re new today.
  8. That’s a silly attitude. Alabama is on the way to many worthwhile destinations.
  9. We've answered the age old question, "how bad can it be?"
  10. I say confirm the guy. If not, Trump will undoubtedly find someone worse because libtears.
  11. Bats are heating up. Time to run this guy.
  12. This shit was unfair to Hillary then, and unfair to Melania now.
  13. Rule of Law, Transparency, National Security, pick any two.
  14. Whether something is a "public service" is subjective, so it would be extremely difficult to have a government that has any secret information at all, and allow for the kind of thing you're advocating. Your point about different rules is correct, but it misses where the real problem lies. There's an entire branch of government that should be quite a bit more suspicious of our national security apparatus. Sadly, they've completely abrogated their role.
  15. Ellsberg expected life in prison. He didn't go because Nixon's boys fucked up the case by breaking into his shrink's office, illegally wiretapped his phone, and arguably tried to bribe the judge with the directorship of the FBI.
  16. Leaking is like any kind of civil disobedience. Be prepared to do the time. They go unpunished because our politics is fucked. Tell me how the law that protects RW would operate. What would the objective elements of a defense to 18 U.S.C. Section 793(e) be that might be applicable here? Or, what's your argument that 18 U.S.C. Section 793(e) should be repealed?
  17. Each (both!) side has their memes. Laugh at the funny ones, and move on. Or dwell on the ones you don't like and wander down vapidity lane hand in hand with the opposition. Your choice.
  18. I don't think I was trying to do that in either post I made this morning. I made one post in response to a very fine SAT word, and that point was pretty narrow. The other was in response to his bent trendline post. What is this narrative? I'm mostly a drive-by poster, and selective reader these days.
  19. Ah yes, both sides. If we're going to go back to where we lost the plot, though, that'd be the Reagan Revolution. All the economic policies that made America actually great started getting undone about then. And in the spirit of our aside, let me be repetitive about the reason: the me-now Boomers started voting themselves all the benefits, while denying future generations the advantages that propped them up. True leftism is non-existent as a ballot-box option. Despite the negatives of that side of the spectrum in the extreme, when it's not there at all, we get the Gilded Age Part III.
  20. You've got a pretty high post count for someone making that charge. We've been stuck on same shit, different day for, what, a year now?
  21. Bunch of Assholes Trail of Tears
  22. Sooooo, back to the topic. I'm not so sure Harris is the best bet at the top of the Dem ticket, but I am pleased with Dems "evolving" on pot. I guess we should consider this a positive outcome to the opioid crisis. Some drugs are truly dangerous. It's time to let people self medicate with those that really aren't.
  23. Are there any interesting position-player-as-pitcher options for the Sox?
  24. The top of this page is hilarious if you, like me, were unable to watch/follow the game, and checked here first before checking the final. Y'all freaking out, in April, on the champs when a 6 run cushion goes to 4. Chill, our boys have this.
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