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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by softlynow

  1. RIP Mrs. Bush. If you don't have a positive view of her life, you're a troubled person, IMO. Her passing is a reminder of why decency is gone. Her generation, the moderating influence on the culture warrior generation, is dying out quickly. Boomers going nuts with mom and dad not looking over their shoulders.
  2. softlynow

    Tax reform

    No, it's not in the least interesting that anyone in this administration would say something so idiotic.
  3. I feel like this is a good thread for a Sleestak appearance. Has he made it here yet?
  4. When Beto makes his move . . .
  5. Jake's going to K bunting, isn't he?
  6. Rick Perry or Danny Goeb would be better, so that's not saying much. Hell, Ben Carson, Sarah Palin or Leslie Cochran's corpse would be better. Kasich would be the only of any of these who would show actual competence.
  7. We're getting a new answer to this question almost daily.
  8. Fangraphs says .291 before today. .164 in our last 3 games.
  9. It's really pretty simple for most. It was 8 years since someone of their party was in office, and, given how shitty the Trump admin. was likely to be, it very well could be 8 more years until the next Pub admin. If you're looking to advance an otherwise stalled/about to stall political career, you needed to make that jump. And a few, like Tillerson, actually felt duty bound.
  10. I was in court for Adrian Peterson's initial court appearance in Conroe. I remarked to the drug test tech that he was about to observe the most famous junk he'd ever see. A few minutes later AP gave his specimen and the tech told me AP was clean but a real dumbass (despite being clean, he admitted to using while on bond). AP might have gone to jail that day, but the State fucked up. At the same approach to the bench where the State wanted the judge to set AP's bond aside, they FIRST asked the judge to recuse himself. The judge used this error as an out to not rule on the request, saying he could make no rulings until the recusal hearing was complete, which would be a few weeks later. Not the coolest story, but it made an otherwise boring workday somewhat interesting, and I had multiple clients text me when I kept wandering in front of CNN's cameras.
  11. Hopefully it's the spark the offense needed.
  12. The real bottom line is that the selfish boomers have to die before things will get better. Sorry, mom and dad!
  13. softlynow

    Sean Hannity

    "If we take Hannity at his word . . . " I'm not sure what class of people would do such a thing, but whatever the class, it would not take long to call the roll.
  14. In the final analysis, the only way to hit the curveball is to do it yourself.
  15. Yeah, I agree. And even if this is a mistake, it's the kind just about anyone in office makes.
  16. Get ready Russia! The bombing starts after these messages from our sponsors.
  17. As soon as our corporate masters decide they want it, they’ll get it.
  18. I think the time is right for the Nordberg spin off trilogy.
  19. I read the article. I’m open to discussion. You aren’t until you even attempt to support your thesis. You really want discussion? Prove it. Support your thesis, which isn’t the same as Andrew’s.
  20. I’m going with most of that second 20% not actually following any of this shit. I’ve met too many people who have no clue about the news of the day that are surprised when I say something negative about DOTUS.
  21. Pre-World Championship me: stop talking about our guys being awesome, we’re Houston, we’ll fuck it up. New me: fuck it, these guys are fucking good. Talk that game.
  22. So you can’t and thus admit your thesis is wholly unsupported. Got it. You want to have discussions? Great! Have them. That requires not acting like a fucking child.
  23. Answer the question. You made an assertion in the OP. You want to be taken seriously? Support your assertion. Pointing to cries of “racism” don’t cut it.
  24. Name 3 people who are “they.”
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