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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by capnamerca

  1. Not arbitrarily. I'm believing the science that says CTE is in the family of influences that include Alzheimers and dementia, in that physical changes to portions of the brain are highly correlated with behavioral changes. You know, from doctors and stuff. I'm also not sure what the "100%" is supposed to imply, because I"m not waving my hand and absolving Nobis (or Seau, or others) of their behavior, I'm just acknowledging that there are a set of inputs involved in their decision making beyond just "self control." There's an analogy here to alcoholism, bi-polar disorder, ADHD, etc - they're still all making choices (to drive, to fidget, etc) but science has proven that there are other inputs in their brains that make their decision making more difficult, and there are treatments for those situations that vastly improve their quality of life. In the case of CTE, that treatment is "maybe don't play football ..." which is something we have to seriously consider as rational adults. Very honestly, I can't see your angle here. What are you actually arguing? That the game is safe? That the data doesn't show that repeated head injuries cause behavioral changes? (forget "CTE" as a target ... people with multiple concussions very consistently report changes in mood, behavior, emotional regulation, and more than just football. Soccer players are apparently VERY affected).
  2. Yes. The I 100% believe CTE changed Nobis' ability to emotionally regulate himself. It doesn't absolve him of responsibility; the article is pretty clear that no one that knew him liked him much after football, but it seems a little willfully absurd to think that he was just choosing to be an asshole for fun, to his entire family and everyone that ever knew him.
  3. I don't pretend to know your station in life, or your experiences. I can only talk to mine. Having seen my grandfather gradually succumb to dementia is something that will stay with me forever. This man built houses for forty years. At times, quite literally by himself. Farm stock from Ohio, never depended on anyone for anything a day in his life, until suddenly he couldn't feed himself anymore. Fell in the bathroom. Stopped being able to drive. Couldn't sign his name to a check, lost control of his finances, accused his oldest son of stealing money (when in truth, my dad was paying for his care from the bank account that he'd been given stewardship of). HIS BRAIN CHANGED. My grandfather wasn't an asshole. He saw both of my kids born, he was Santa Claus at Christmas, he traveled thousands of miles a year to see our family in Ohio, North Carolina, Tennessee, Florida and Texas. And at the end, he wasn't that guy any more. HIS BRAIN CHANGED. Another family friend was textbook alzheimers. Assistant chief of police at the University of Texas for decades. He probably arrested and/or lectured SEVERAL people on this website, in fact :). This man couldn't remember the names and faces of his own children and grandchildren. HIS BRAIN CHANGED. CTE changes the brain. It's selfish, short-sighted, and irresponsible for you to equate CTE with "oh, that guy was just always an asshole" because you like gladiator circuses every Sunday.
  4. wwwwwow.
  5. You're playing the card that the two aren't related? This disease that is pretty universally understood to arise from repeated blows to the head (especially cumulative effects of lots and lots and lots of small blows, rather than one single traumatic event)? And it having a link to a game where you literally put on a helmet and run your head into other people, starting at a young age? Bold move, Cotton. Although I guess you're probably right, I'm not really convinced that smoking leads to increased risks of lung cancer. I mean, I know lots of smokers that don't have lung cancer!
  6. (whispers to the rest of this thread) Do you guys think futureman realizes that ChiTownDoc is an ACTUAL doctor? Like, MD? (looks around ...)
  7. I"m not even sure if this is fixed or not, but at least as recently as Nov '17, you could buy a new tolltag on the website, and you could register a new vehicle on the website. But you could not associate said car with said tag on the website.
  8. I was gonna come here to say something like "no way, he got engaged in the middle of the year, but sucked all year." Then I went and checked, and he get engaged last January. Looks like it's 100% correlated.
  9. I was 50-50 on shorsey until he was a linesman and we got to see him skate. I was fucking CRYING. "Who even skates like that?" I felt (and still feel) let down by the Gaye story arc, even into S6. So much fucking potential for redemption in Stuart, or for the low-key skids to actually become true degenerates with interesting storylines ... but she's just a minor incremental amount of mischief in S5, and weirdly festishist in S6. Lastly, 'Dary is trending downward into comic relief. I should say, only comic relief. In the early seasons, he was Wayne's foil but also his confidant and equal. Wayne was the toughest guy in Letterkenny, but 'Dary was the glue between stoic wayne and squirrely dan. Now he's just ... goofy. Like the whole "can't say breakfast" or how he clings onto Anik (which got it's start in the whole "I don't like French girls because I could never get one to date me" thing, which was in itself overly emasculating for a guy that in the first two seasons had his shit together.
  10. Long time fan fo this show. Discovered it during some random Youtube wormhole. It wasn't available in the states until mid-last year. It's fucking hilarious. I felt like season 5 got a little formulaic - the hicks have a long rant on some overly-specific random topic (getting tacos in LA), then there's a reason for a fight, fin. But S6 brought some good character development back in. Also ... "Bonnie McMurray."
  11. I still have the XPS and the Samsung TV. Everything else went to goodwill.
  12. All items priced to move. Everything guaranteed not DOA, but other than that all items as-is. These have all been in regular use except the laptop, which has been off for 3 years. I'm cleaning out my office. Dell XPS13 - $100. REALLY solid little machine. Full HD screen. Service tag C7H22Y1 puts it as 2014 model. Base specs 256GB SSD, 8GB DDR3 RAM, 2.0GHz Core i7. Has W7 installed, but I make no guarantees as to what's on there. Does have a valid OEM license for W7, so maybe you can re-install and then upgrade to W10 for free? Dell U2412Mc Full HD monitor - $50. 24". No dead pixels. Been my main monitor for many years. Includes a USB hub which is crazy useful. I'll throw in a DVI cable (probably also have a VGA cable if that's easier). No HDMI or displayport on this one. Vizio E280-B1 - $50. 28" TV, base model. Specs here - https://www.vizio.com/e280b1.html. I have the remote, but I don't have the stand. Great little TV. No dead pixels. Samsung UN32J4000AFXZA - $100. 32" TV, also fairly plain. Been my office TV for two years without a hiccup. I also bought an adapter plate that makes it easier to put on a wall mount. I have the remote, but not the stand. Specs here - https://www.samsung.com/us/video/tvs/UN32J400DAFXZA-specs. Vizio s2121-dO 'sound stand' - $25. Like a sound bar, but bigger and flatter, perfect for setting on a tabletop under a TV. This thing is LOUD. Specs here - https://www.vizio.com/s2121wd0.html Side table from target - $25. Some nicks but nothing major, was a floor model. Mahogany in color. I have pics if you want to see them.
  13. verdad.
  14. Right, because no one ever improves with regular snaps, repetition, and game experience. Which Shane got none of. Wasn't everyone here ready to bench Sam last year?
  15. Never guarded any, but watching Kris Clack play pickup games in Gregory was fucking hilarious.
  16. How's the view from that high horse? (I'm fucking with you .. I mean, I still hate your bets, but I can separate that from the person :)).
  17. Don't be willfully obtuse (I say that with love). 95% of craps players are betting that the point comes before the seven, so they're rooting against the seven. If you are betting that the seven comes first, then you win when 95% of the table loses. I don't know what you consider "rooting", but you're just using semantics to hide behind.
  18. I never get tired of Herman ... "I love you, and I can not wait to watch you play." Dude just gets it.
  19. hahahaha dammit I"m an idiot. Dennis Green at ASU, obviously.
  20. Winning cures everything. 9-7, playoff berth with what he's already got on the roster is VERY attainable. His upside is the Rams this year (also with a young coach). Hire a big-time DC (wade phillips?) and this isn't the craziest thing I"ve ever seen. Better than trying to lure Dungy away from AzSt or giving Hue fucking Jackson another run, for example.
  21. In no particular order ... LJH, Omenihu, Anderson. Been said already upthread that the really cool thing right now is that we have backups to actually fill some of these spots, unlike the last goddamn decade. Coburn fills in neatly for Nelson. There will be a dropoff, but it's not a guy playing out of position. The LB and CB positions are similar. There will be a dropoff, but there are highly-rated guys ready to stand in. LJH and Omenihu are difference-makers, and there's just no way around the fact that when NFL talent leaves, you feel it. So that's my answer. Agree with Beck and Watson as well. Those two guys are cogs in this wheel - Beck made so much of the offense go beyond just his offensive output. He stabilized a position that was a literal black hole for years. Watson didn't fumble. Period, end of story. Kirk Johnson, to the bat phone - this is how you get on the field next year.
  22. Lots of guys break off big runs that aren't considered burners. Angles, second-level blocking, etc all play a part. #statingtheobvious.
  23. seems like that one part should be attached to that other part.
  24. you have a golf bag yet?
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