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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by capnamerca

  1. The feeling of a good range session can last all day ... feels good man.
  2. wow. I've never seen that report. Just the executive summary is brutal.
  3. Some solid production out of a pretty low-ranked class. D'onta and Armanti. Heard. LJoe and Leonard contributed. Poona is probably the gem of that class behind D'Onta. Beck did WORK this year and last. I'd argue that Elijah Rodriguez and Jason Hall both outplayed their ranking here.
  4. Also, Fireman Dryerman -http://firemandryerman.com/. I can confirm that he's really still a firefighter, and does this on his off days. He now employs several current firefighters to handle the workload. They also do minor dryer appliance repair (fixed a lightbulb for us, and reattached a wonky front panel). I still think vent cleaning is a strange thing to specialize in, but they do it as well as any. I'm sure the georgetown guys do great work - just adding to the list here.
  5. Matt at South Austin Irrigation is your guy - https://www.southaustinirrigation.com/. He's done my tuneups three years running, and added a zone for me last year at a reasonable price (about $1000, but did it without having to run new wires, and squeezed things into weird spaces). His team are top notch, and incredibly easy to work with. The irony is that we're putting in a pool now, which has completely torn up the zone he added for me. That zone never put a drop of water on a piece of grass - lol. Oh well - he's going to get all the repair work in about four months, too :).
  6. ed verdad. muy verdad. Streamsong Red.
  7. Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2018/07/its_the_end_of_the_world_as_we_know_it_hysteria_over_trump_scotus_pick.html#ixzz5acsiSxPi Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook" great source, Cajun - https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/american-thinker/.
  8. Some gold in this thread already. I'll second The Doors and Aerosmith (and I like Aerosmith, but most of it really is quite shitty). I"ll add Nine Inch Nails, although "great" can be debated they got a lot of run in the 90's and 00's, and I never got it.
  9. I can't bear to read this thread anymore ...
  10. Where is this magical place that ER is easy to find and cheap? It's neither, in Austin.
  11. That McKenna 10 is EXCEPTIONAL, especially at that price.
  12. I've actually never asked her the question in that context. I think the answer is both, tbh. But I know that since the injury, her goals in life were VERY clear. She's committed to returning to the universe what she was given.
  13. She is indeed the toughest person I know. You want to know the best part? She's now a nurse, in the ICU that took care of her (Houston area).
  14. My cousin had an open radius-ulna compound fracture, in BOTH ARMS simultaneously (yes, you're reading that right). Gymnastics fall from the uneven bars. AFter everything was set, she developed compartment syndrome. Miserable, something I wouldn't wish on an enemy. She had to have both arms with the wounds left open for like, two weeks, so the doctors could immediately address any infection/gangrene and ensure the mylein (I think that's right - the muscle sheath) was healing correctly. Also, so much infection. So much. Not sure that's what Alex Smith is battling specifically, but compound fractures suck in general. More power to him, that's for sure.
  15. that's the intel I'm looking for :). thanks.
  16. Forward2me is pretty clear that they're going to inspect your purchases and make sure it's legal to ship to your final destination. Do you use them to send you alcohol in Texas?
  17. A fair point. The ram is straight from the PCMR builds, so I"m certain I'm not the first one to be using it. But we'll see ... not a difficult return if something is borked.
  18. Start from the PCMasterRace builds (a reddit community for PCs, basically the build bible). Linky - https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/wiki/builds. You really can't screw it up as long as you make sure the mobo matches the proc, and the memory plays well with the proc. Both situations are easily google-able. I'm re-using three Crucial SSDs that I already have. Will probably add an M.2 NVMe SSD in the future to really streamline things, but don't need it right now.
  19. There was a thread on the old site, but haven't seen one here. My current build is getting onto about 6 years old, and it's loud and big and frankly, ugly :). Plus, I don't need things like spinning hard drives, and 5 PCIe slots anymore. So I'm putting together a miniITX build and shooting for silent operation under normal workloads. Just pulled the trigger on the following: AMD Ryzen 5 2600 ASrock Fata1ity B450 AM4 Mobo (4x SATA3, USBa+c, 802.11ac, BT4+) G.Skill Ripjaws PC4 24000 (3000mhz) DDR4 RAM - 16GB Noctua L9x65 CPU cooler (known to be basically silent) Corsair RM750x PSU (fan doesn't run <40% load) Powercolor RX570 4GB GPU Cooler Master Elite 130 case Should be smaller, quieter, and cleaner vs. my current build (i5 + R7300 + ATX form factor). What about you? Any other nerds out there?
  20. The bourbon craze is really pissing me off. I can't find ANYTHING fun these days. Haven't seen Eagle Rare on the shelves in months, no EH Taylor Single Barrel, and certainly no chance of getting something like Blantons or W12. I'm also not interested in spending $200 for Kentucky Owl or the like ...
  21. Wait, are BrisketTexan, chitwood, and CTJ all in Montreal right now?
  22. God the horseshoe was such a badass setting. I am very comfortable saying it's the best college football atmosphere I've ever been a part of. I'll echo everything Dennis said above ... fans in Columbus were such a fucking stereotype. I remember getting a double bird from a 13 year old girl after the game. We legit had a cop tell us to "just stay quiet and keep walking" after the game, and we weren't talking any shit at all. We had a totally ridiculously drunk tOSU fan throw up on himself, pass out, and get kicked out of the stadium before halftime. While I admire his commitment to the Buckeye concept, fucker missed half of a football game. He was an ass, tho, so we enjoyed it. Plus, Vince to Limas. I wasn't sure at that point that we'd beat USC, but I was 100% certain that we'd be at the Rose Bowl. Fuck what a game.
  23. Joel Klatt just got a headache again, from us watching this video.
  24. capnamerca

    Charlie Brewer

    If we're picking sons, does Gardere have any? What about Morenz?
  25. Best day out there is Tuesday. Find someone you know from Dell and get tix.
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