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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by capnamerca

  1. I forget the exact timeline, but watching Michael Vick get a full redemption timeline, including playing in Atlanta for a coach that found ways to scheme to his strengths, just made me more and more sad for VY and fucking furious at Jeff Fisher. That should have been Vince. And yes, 100%, that should have been Vince in Houston, where he would have become as synonymous with a franchise as Namath is to the Jets or Montana is to the 49ers. (I'm not saying Vince would have been Montana ... I'm saying he would have been a god in that city).
  2. Not a movie but a TV show ... this one is basically flawless.
  3. No, they don't. There is not a product that you can spread to keep snakes away. Full stop, period. Keeping the area around your house free of brush/debris, and free of rodents is how you keep snakes away.
  4. Does no one jump bikes as a kid anymore?!?! You gotta lean back a little when you take off, your get exactly what he got. I feel like this isn't rocket science.
  5. To this day, I consider "The View from Halfway Down" the best half-hour of television I've ever watched, and you're damn right I cried. I know that's high praise, but I stand by it. I think it's made all the more impactful by the fact that you really have to have watched the entire series to that point for the full weight of that episode to land. The absurdity of the cartoon animal world, held up by the writers incredibly, sometimes painfully accurate portrayal of many, many societal and personal illnesses ... it's a hard show to get into, and i suspect that lots of folks have watched the first season, and probably have that "I tried but I couldn't get into it" vide from Bojack. And that's fine, I get it, and in lots of places the show is REALLY unapproachable. But holy fuck ... the last season just hits like a mack truck.
  6. Which is replaced with a new kind of terror when the kid first sleeps more than 3 hours. "Holy fuck it's WHAT time?" followed by the sprint to their room (to find them perfectly fine, and actually SLEEPING and oh holy god thank you for the rest)
  7. There isn't a big-enough all-caps font for me to use that captures the amount of THIS. Fucking THIS. I'd hold my daughter in the crook of my left arm, and pat her butt until she went to sleep. I'd try and see how deep I could make the footprints in the carpet as I swayed, singing to her. For the first 3-4 months, she stayed in a room just off of the master (like an office space, attached to the master but with a door). I was able to be the baby retriever when it was time for mom to feed her, and the baby returner. Awesome balance for me and my wife, and amazing bonding time for my daughter (and my son, tbh - same setup). The time with those babies is irreplaceable, and it does my heart good to see all these great dads in this thread.
  8. I mean, Steve Kerr did take the game-winning shot when Jordan couldn't.
  9. to be fair, it was racist then, too.
  10. And honestly, pretty damn healthy. Good protein, I don't see rice or quinoa so should be low-carb, ain't nothing wrong with some hard boiled eggs and OG shredded cheddar. A-, would eat.
  11. Who was it on the old site that used to do game breakdowns each like? The mini film study really helped guys like me who never played football beyond 7th grade. He'd use clips from a replay and make a few of them into gifs with lines drawn on them, and then explain what the key players were looking for, what the key concepts were, and why it worked or didn't work. And it was awesome because it wasn't all sunshine pumping - he'd show plays where the opposition just straight up beat our D, or where our O overcame a missed block or a blown assignment to still make a play. Really helped my understanding not just of that particular game, but of how our team fit together and what our coaches were doing. I'd happily contribute to a fund or a charity or something if someone were to take this back up.
  12. Well technically he wasn't on his ass because he did give us the "I'm already smoked but I'll dive so it looks like I tried really hard" performance as the RB flew past him.
  13. When the announcers called out that Brockermeyer had just entered the game at MLB, and then he fails to scrape to the hole and watches the RB waltz through for a TD, it was just #chefskiss.
  14. The speed upfield after he plants his foot at the 0:05 mark is mind-boggling. My brain can't even process it.
  15. can't this weekend - taking care of that whole "able to father children" thing on Friday. next week after work is a maybe. Aside from it being 9000 degrees outside, it's the first week of school. Maybe next Friday morning for an hour or so? 830-930, something like that?
  16. I remember that I started laughing when the ball wasn't even to you yet, because I knew the hero shot was coming and that throw wasn't going anywhere close to me lololol
  17. I finally find this thread, and come to find out I'm already catching strays. Brutal, guys - just brutal. I could be convinced to take some BP and play some catch ... can't this weekend, but could do something after work basically any night next week?
  18. FYI, docs can prescribe a type of codeine mouthwash. Gave my kid at least a little relief when he got this a decade ago. HFM fucking SUCKs. Godspeed.
  19. You never realize you're in the golden age until it goes away. We did a buddies trip in 2007, maybe 2008. 8 guys. The Casino Royale on the strip still had a tub table, and we managed to snag every seat. $2 minimums with 3x odds if you wanted to play low stakes, $5 min unlocked 20x odds (or maybe 100x). We played for 12 hours straight. During that same timeframe, you could pretty regularly find $2/2x tables (the others at the CR were this, but also at the IP and Stratosphere), and $5/345x tables were everywhere. Man, those were good times.
  20. I swear I've used this phrase so many fucking times in the last year, and I hate it. I hate it. "I NEVER THOUGHT THE LEOPARDS WOULD EAT *MY* FACE!" shouts supporter of the leopards-eating-face party.
  21. Great stuff. Had a full re-seal late last year so I'm confident there. Sanitize water system - love that. tire check - great call.
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