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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by capnamerca

  1. Just seeing this. Thank you for sharing, BGH, and that picture with your grandbaby is amazing. These stories are how our forefathers live on. Hook'em, BGH Sr. Rest easy.
  2. Or about social and welfare programs before women get pregnant. Or education services for under-served communities before women get pregnant. Or access to birth control. Or about a thousand other things that can help reduce abortion. But they don't care about those things either.
  3. Binged 'em all today. Also rewatched S9 in prep. I enjoyed them for what they are, and the crew should get several more seasons. That said, they're leaning pretty heavily on the pun/lingo/conversational quirks trope, to their detriment I think. I'd prefer at least a little bit of character development - does Rosie even have a personality? The plots have gotten progressively weaker and weaker. Prostate episode cracked me the fuck up, as did the finale.
  4. Truth. Those prices are insane. Who knows how that residency goes. Shes on my bucket list of artists to see before I die - the list is basically her and Stapleton, who are both way too big for it to ever be feasible. I take solace in this youtube video, which I consider to be the finest single-song performance that I know of.
  5. Every accusation is a confession.
  6. BINGO! (that got my 'racist conservative asshole' bingo card very, very close to a complete blackout, as well)
  7. Damn. That's a great article, and makes me like Casey (and his dad, what even is life that I'm complimenting Charles Thompson?) even more. Thanks for sharing.
  8. Does the YTTV account come with a login for ESPN+, and can I get the LHN that way? More specifically, to Longhorn games ON the LHN (I don't really care about all the other programming, just the ability to watch the games). Separately, I pay for the Disney/Hulu bundle. Does THAT get me an ESPN+ login, with access to the LHN to watch Horns games?
  9. Add Burns and Homa, subtract Harris English and Berger (although I like Berger, someone else has to go along with English).
  10. Just think of how different this take is (which I agree with, btw) if Worthy holds on to 3 balls that he's been catching since he was 12 years old. The plays are there, Sark is getting us into positions to succeed, and kids have shown improvement week over week. I'm hopeful.
  11. Flawless choice of song for that trailer, though.
  12. Except for birdie on 9 and eagle on 16 in the afternoon match? C'mon man, he putted like total shit in the AM, but lacking confidence he isn't.
  13. Also ... Peak Time period - whenever it was that you were 12-16 or so. Rock Bottom - the time period immediately after that one.
  14. Best Sketch: too many to pick just one. Van Down by the River. Synchronized Swimming. Who Orders Lobster in a Diner? Cheeseburger. If It's not Scottish it's CRAP. Waynes World with Aerosmith. Best cast member: Belushi. Farley. Ferrell. Sandler on SNL was great, regardless of what you think of him now. I'm a fan of the female takeover in the last 10-15 years, starting with Tina and Amy, into Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon and Cecily Strong.
  15. Rami Malek is insanely talented. I'm down to watch that one. Brandi Carlile is the musical guest with Sudekis. That's gonna be a great show; she fucking WAILS.
  16. Lord. Did all of the UT and UT-adjacent QBs go to Utah?
  17. What in the literal fuck? I hadn't seen that before. Thank you for sharing. Jesus.
  18. It's also a MAJOR departure from how our previous two coaches operated, in a good way.
  19. Caffeine-free Coke disappeared right at the beginning of covid20, reappeared briefly at the beginning of 2021, and disappeared again just a few weeks later, not being seen since.
  20. I cannot possibly agree with a statement more than I agree with this one. 100PCT agree. He's legit on the spectrum, and he needs better advisors. I don't say that to throw stones, but to observe that his support structure NEEDS to be different than some other people. That's ok, but he's not really taking much responsibility for this shit either.
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