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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by capnamerca

  1. Possible that it's in the <header> tag tho ... because he "knows his way around computers"
  2. From Olivia Wilde to Keeley Hazel. Fuck that guy.
  3. The rather liberal mixing of the term "timeline" with the term "alternate universe" drives me fucking crazy ... but the comics are just as guilty of it.
  4. I don't understand OP's point (probably because this thread was extracted from another thread). "We have more murders" is a stat; what point are you making for which that stat is a defense? Are you saying that Americans are shitty people who just love a good murderin' on a Saturday night? Are you linking this to race? Did it start as a gun-control thing?
  5. This take is just completely and fundamentally wrong. Prior to Newt Fucking Gingrich, the old white dudes in Congress pretty reliably got plenty of shit done, and across the aisle no less. I mean for the love of god, in 1984 Ronald Regan carried 49 states, 59% of the popular votes cast, and 525 electoral college votes (and the state he lost was Mondales home state of Minnesota, and he only lost that state by .18%!!!!). Bi-partisan politics worked passably well in this country from the end of WW2 right up until Newt. Goddammit. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2018/11/newt-gingrich-says-youre-welcome/570832/
  6. City Council is so fucking weird to me, as a concept. You get people like Delia Garza; actual firefighter with AFD, then law school graduate and lawyer, councilmember and most recently elected county attorney. She's on her way up in the world, and is genuinely motivated to help people and this city. And on the other end of the spectrum, fitlump.
  7. She worked closely with Matt Mackowiak during her campaign. While I don't particularly like the guy, he's damn good at what he does. I'm betting he either told her who to hire, or has shared some best practices for managing the crazy.
  8. Not trying to beat a dead horse. But you don't have to slide. You just can't barrel over the catcher when he has the ball. If you tap-dance around him, you're not automatically out (subject to existing baseline rules).
  9. I believe the rule is technically worded that you cannot "deviate from the path to the plate to initiate contact." One method of doing so is sliding, but you can also dodge, give yourself up, jump over, etc. Source - http://www.miaa.net/gen/miaa_generated_bin/documents/basic_module/ForceplayslideNCAA.pdf
  10. Nope. I clicked it because I'm a sadist, and it's just another case of "found god became an asshole."
  11. Much like quoting the websites he does, using the phrase "Big Tech" is a dead giveaway that he's either a simpleton or an obvious troll. Either way, fuck him.
  12. The irony of the right demanding a "complete and thorough" investigation of this, but not Jan 6th.
  13. That's my bad. I think it's relevant, because Uber blows, but I'll delete if you want me to.
  14. Don't try and handwave this shit away. We aren't a free-market economy, and haven't been since the first tax law was passed. Here's the output vs wages data. You don't have to look hard, it's everywhere - https://www.epi.org/productivity-pay-gap/. Forbes.com sucks, but this article sources a lot of data showing that corporations benefitting from tax cuts didn't grow jobs or wages - they just bought back stocks - https://www.forbes.com/sites/annemarieknott/2019/02/21/why-the-tax-cuts-and-jobs-act-tcja-led-to-buybacks-rather-than-investment/?sh=1515343a37fb.
  15. This is just the stupid "both sides" argument applied to the "cancel culture" label. Willingly removing six books from publication because of blatantly racist characters appropriate at the time but horribly offensive now isn't 'cancel culture from the left,' it's very simply "now that we know better, we do better." Stomping your feet and refusing to buy Dixie Chicks merch and making it perfectly clear that you're doing so because they oppose the war and your god-president is very much cancel culture. And they're not the same thing.
  16. Mid-2010's cobra amp cell pro irons for sale. Irons in Austin. https://www.ebay.com/itm/124719566369
  17. anyone in the market for a sway control hitch? my old equal-i-zer 4-point (600lbs model) is available. Detail on FB marketplace - https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/495921945096038/. hitch in Austin, happy to deliver a short distance.
  18. Because it's fucking hilarious. GTFO with any hate for Major League.
  19. Used but 100% solid. In Austin. More data here - https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/495921945096038/
  20. holy shit I just found it ... in the app, under "audio" section. The "live audio" link very much isn't. I'm there now. Thanks.
  21. I may be doing something wrong, but I open the UT app. There's a section on the main app page for "Baseball Gameday." There's a button that says "Live Audio." If you click that, it redirects to the Texassports.com audio feed, which is not live, and says "next broadcast women's softball 6pm." Is there a different spot I shoudl be checking? I consider myself fairly technically adept. This is insane.
  22. Is there a radio station feed for this game? 104.9 doesn't have it, at least not through their iPhone app or the website. Texassports.com radio player doesn't have it - just says "next broadcast is softball at 6pm." ESPN app has the video feed, but the audio cuts off when the phone goes to sleep. I'm just trying to mow my yard and listen to the game. This is insanely frustrating.
  23. I love "pretotype" so hard. I have no idea if it was intentional or not, but it's glorious.
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