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Everything posted by DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt

  1. I thought that was you for some reason. About the only prediction I've made on this board that was football-related was Kyle Porter having a breakout sophomore season. Believe I even mentioned Heisman attention. I'll hang up and listen.
  2. on a long enough timeline, Sam Bradford did indeed suck.
  3. Maybe my memory is fuzzy but I recall about 2 years into the Herman tenure that @closetojumping was a) convinced Herman would fail but b) was saying that despite that he got an A+ on roster building. .500 ain't bad.
  4. Handcruser's guy is in Vancouver, we are currently sourcing another supplier. Thank you for your patience.
  5. damn, must have been gnarly to keep him down. poor guy. were there a lot of fish around? who were you fishing with?
  6. if you've notched 1 I'm assuming the googs has 3 to hand? 😗
  7. Not sure where to ask this but figured this thread is my best shot: My mom has mineral rights for a property in North Texas and the local power company wants to put a solar farm on it and a landman has reached out to my Mom and offered like $1.5K to sign off on some paperwork. Then a couple of days later she gets a random solicitation from some type of O&G company offering her a similar amount for her interest. What's going on here and how should she respond? I assumed her mineral rights didn't apply to solar but maybe I'm wrong? Is there an opp here to get residuals from the solar plant? What should I do?
  8. You can tell how healthy/happy those fish are. Wild fish, man. Love'em!
  9. look at the state of that helicopter 🤣
  10. lol. more $30K millionaires per capita than anywhere else in the world.
  11. note to self: don't go to the Pike street market during seafair weekend. holy panic attack clusterfuck.
  12. there's simply nothing better than catching wild fish in wild places on dry flies. thanks for the pics.
  13. The Gods hate Texas.
  14. lol wat. are you fucking with them?
  15. hmmm, maybe ours shouldn't be orange with pink dicks on it?
  16. I hope you put an unhealthy amount of the black salsa on it and shit yourself on the bow the next day.
  17. whatever costs are going into putting lipstick on this thing might be better served going into bullets they can use to kill people. if that sort of thing matters here, which maybe it doesn't.
  18. but what if they use them to destroy weapons that are being used to kill their citizens? did you think about the repercussions of that type of escalatory action?
  19. It's ungodly expensive up here. Has to be one of the most expensive places on earth. Worth it, but got damn.
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