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Everything posted by DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt

  1. So, Prigozhin is spotted in St. Pete collecting his belongings after a failed coup? Putin is not only NOT going to kill this guy, he's actually going to acquiesce to his demands. Putin is so much weaker than we realize.
  2. could we get a list of the other posters? might be a good opp here.
  3. Not a traction board in sight. I always keep two towels on hand in the winter. I wonder if that works on sand too?
  4. Also less mass shootings. I have a wild idea to have government subsidized brothels. The world is a better place if everybody gets laid.
  5. If you choose to eat a burger that came out of a microwave you should question who you are as a person.
  6. Enforce our current gun laws! Arrest that stoned cold killer! - @fattyflattie
  7. Imagine the boss man saying “hey, we should respond to all press inquiries with a poop emoji.” Then imagine the quality of employees that stick around after that. He’s rolling with a skeleton staff of retards. Let’s see how it works out!
  8. ‘Only parents should vote’ might be the dumbest fucking thing that moron has ever thought.
  9. I've probably asked this before but is there any chance our defense/intel/state communities have decided that dragging this out somehow benefits the US? I feel like that is China's position on the flip side, it is possible we think the same?
  10. Accidentally? Good chance. Looks like she can’t find her Oldsmobile. BTW, is there a more perfect brand name for a car?
  11. That tweet re: Biden admin is spot on IMO. I know folks here have praised this admin for how they’ve handled this but I’m more and more disappointed frankly. Asking UKR to take back their country and defeat the Russians without giving them to tools they need is frustrating…and that they have taken this stance based on their hope that Putin will somehow lose the war but remain in power is stupid.
  12. No bueno. Then the Poland tweet about wanting nukes. No bueno.
  13. Watching that video, I’m struck by how it started: A cop talking to a group of little kids about the importance of taking a safety measure to protect themselves. The backdrop of “hey kids stay safe out there” within a society armed to the teeth with some 450 million guns designed to kill humans is just sad.
  14. yeah about the only thing that saved the survey was the muledick option IMO
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