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Everything posted by DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt

  1. We’re barreling towards universal basic income and very few people having jobs. It might be awesome. It might destroy us. I guess we’ll find out.
  2. Just watched first couple of minutes of interview. LET’S FUCKING GOOOOOO
  3. So I’ll ask again, is this the biggest geopolitical blunder in the history of mankind? Amateur historians, please stack rank…
  4. Andrew Perpetua I think Russians are acutely aware that fighting a war against fellow Russians within their own border is…not good.
  5. We’ve all had it probably 3-ish times. The symptoms have been so different each time for each family member, and sometimes no symptoms but when someone pops positive we test everybody for several days. My oldest has been asymptomatic each time she’s had it. My wife had it 3 weeks ago and no one else in the family got it despite not taking any precautions inside the house. Such a strange virus.
  6. I’ll say it again: don’t know a single person IRL that hasn’t had it.
  7. Sir, have you heard of Chicago?
  8. It’s like flightaware during our coach hunts. Make up a story and run with it.
  9. I have a theory Elon is a pedo and he knows it's going to come to light and this pivot to the hate machine is him getting out in front of it.
  10. My all-time all-time is an AP, but as a house I really don’t like them. That’s just trash.
  11. Probably had skittles in his system at the time of his death.
  12. I love Spaniards. They wear their heart on their sleeves unapologetically.
  13. meanwhile we're banning books talking about sexuality. unplug me.
  14. You forgot to mention that it's the energy capital of the world and can't keep the lights/heat/ac on for its citizens.
  15. You don’t think it’s intentional? I suppose there have been some times when reading some of these tweets where I tilt my head with a “huh?”…maybe something is being lost in translation here. But I see the same thing happening on other accounts, it seems coordinated.* *also I’m high
  16. “Through the cross border raid into Belgorod, the Ukrainian Army just…” I feel like Rain Man bringing this up again but the wording being used to describe this event is pretty interesting. There seems to be a concerted effort to make it seem like this is all UKR and not Russian separatists. I understand it can be both, but the wording is so strong when usually it isn’t when it involves attacks within Russia.
  17. Why isn’t RU sending up a bunch of jets/choppers and mowing these dudes down?
  18. “Pro-Ukrainian separatists”, ”Ukrainian-backed”, etc. These labels are interesting to me for some reason. Seems like there’s even a concerted effort by UKR to take credit for whatever is going on…
  19. We’re about at every-man-for-himself time in the Kremlin. It’s going to get really chaotic.
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