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Posts posted by DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt

  1. 3 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    I still believe that the path to victory in this country is "when they go low, we go lower and kick them and their kids in the balls, and laugh at them while we do it."  It's the proven winner.

    It's been a mere 10 years since Barack Obama's campaign. 

  2. Quote

    “I would like Texas to be the example, to be the bridge over the small stuff, the partisanship, the bickering, the pettiness, the meanness, the name-calling, the bigotry, the racism, the hatred, the anxiety, and the paranoia that dominates so much of the national conversation today,” he implored them, catching his breath. “I would love for us to be the big, bold, confident, ambitious, big-hearted, aspirational answer to all that small, weak crap that dominates the national news every single night that has kept us from who we are supposed to be as a country.”

    Amen, Beto.

    • Like 1
  3. 10 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:


    Brisket’s Ledge vs cautious optimism

    not sure if you've noticed, but even brisket is starting to back off his ledge. whether he wins or losses, we should all be forever grateful for beto's meteoric rise for putting an end to brisket's incessant 'the only way to politic these days is by being a complete piece of shit.' 

    • Like 1
  4. So are we still in “Ermagod the republic won’t survive so let’s all turn into depraved pieces of shit” mode or are people starting to come around to the fact that justice will be served and we’ll become a stronger nation because of this dark period in our history?

  5. “I’ve worked with Don for so long and appreciate his service to me so much that I’m not providing him with the professional courtesy of letting him know he’s losing his job and am instead informing him through this tweet. #maga”

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  6. I continue to believe several congressmen are going to jail based on Mueller’s investigation. I think the ties to dirty Russian money goes much deeper than anyone could have imagined before all of this started.

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  7. If the offense is a dumpster fire again, it really doesn’t matter who’s calling plays. The bigger concern in my mind is that it would be a clear indication that the Tom Herman era will end in a sputter, much like Charlie’s.

    this team should look much better than it did last year. If it doesn’t, we’ll be looking for our next coach in a couple of years.

  8. 29 minutes ago, Schulz2.0 said:

    Good Bull Hunting (A&M SB Nation site) predicted 9-3 in their season preview today. I laughed and laughed.



    The most amazing note about this is the fact that for all the receivers Kevin Sumlin recruited, the Aggies don’t have a single upperclassman wide receiver on the entire roster. Not one! Not even a walk-on. How is that possible??


    • Like 5
  9. 3 minutes ago, Cheeseweasel said:

    My only solace in this entire saga is the fact that whatever positive legacy Urban had is a dumpster fire.

    If he wins multiple NCs at OSU he’ll be remembered as a coaching legend. Legacies are built on hardware. Nick Saban is a cheating sunovabitch and horrible human being...that won’t impact his legacy one iota.

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