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Everything posted by DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt

  1. Well, not for all the people that got blasted while shopping.
  2. My oldest decided she was ready to fly fish. Took her and a friend out today and they both caught their first 2. Mine didn’t want to leave and at one point screamed “CAN WE DO THIS EVERY SATURDAY?!?” 🥰 We’ll work on the grip at some point.
  3. Another day in America, freest country in the world. Pew! Pew!
  4. Is it Melitopol that is basically the key to choking out Crimea?
  5. 2 dudes got into a gunfight over a car charge. One dude is dead. That’s insane. It’s also insane to kill someone for stealing. I can not fathom why anyone would want to spend the rest of their life knowing they killed someone over a few hundred dollars. It’s a fucking disease, man. Life has no value.
  6. I bet that gun store employee wouldn’t have fired his weapon either. Right up until he did.
  7. I’m just pointing out something obvious: you have no idea what you would do. But I do appreciate your honesty regarding shooting someone that stole your shit. I bet the cowboys that ended up in a shootout over a fucking car charge would have bet their life they never would have killed someone over something so stupid, but yet… And what the fuck are you talking about re: 9 year olds?
  8. I don’t drink. But how are you dealing with your Tucker withdrawals? Hope you’ve found a healthy outlet.
  9. That’s actually a pretty interesting thought exercise. What would you know if you didn’t use the internet?
  10. Not using the internet seems like a bad idea for ole Vlad.
  11. He just sent me a bunch of SA lines for $30 per. Shoot him a text if you need anything…he said there are guide discounts which are basically wholesale cost then there are lodge discounts which are at cost.
  12. I love how one of our resident Cowboys states as fact things he would have done in this situation (not taken the shot, if he had it would have been an easy shot, blah blah blah). That gun shop employee would have been right there doing the same Monday morning quarterbacking except for the unfortunate fact he was the one pissing down his leg on Sunday.
  13. Bulldog is working the fly fishing show circuit these days for his lodge and has been talking to the rod manufacturers...someone told him it cost like $20 for them to make a high end rod. What are these fuckers doing?
  14. Sad? I mean, sure, two families’ lives have been completely destroyed over an argument about who got to charge their car. But then again, if reports are true that both the cowboy and Indian were armed, we got one off the streets so he can’t get his feelings hurt again and pull a gun on someone so that seems like a win.
  15. So I popped an orvis rod awhile back and finally went to register it so I could send it in for repair. They now have a replacement option where they just mail you whatever section broke for $60. Was at my door less than 36 hours after submitting the claim. Unreal. My sage buddies spend 8+ months trying to get their shit back.
  16. Here’s the kicker for me. I bet both of these dudes would read about all these senseless shootings and think “wow, fucking idiots”. Yet they got so pissed about bullshit that a switch flipped and now someone is dead and someone will spend the rest of their life knowing they killed someone over a fucking car charge. They were both responsible gun owners…right up until they got really angry.
  17. Why not just dump all the cowboys and indians in one state (I'm looking at you, Texas) and just let them have shootouts at the OK Corral and kill off each other and let the rest of us live in a world where these fuckwads don't exist?
  18. I wonder if anyone would have died had these cowboys and indians not had guns? hmmmm, tough to say.
  19. Another law-abiding cowboy gets upset and decides to shoot an indian. This time over a Tesla charging station. https://abcnews.go.com/US/man-fatally-shot-altercation-tesla-charging-station-authorities/story?id=99051174 Pew! Pew Cowboys!
  20. I’d bet Russian partisans. This is embarrassing for Putin. If you’re going to do a false flag, you blow up a big building and kill a lot of Russians (like he’s done before). This was amateur hour, but the effect is embarrassing for Russia.
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