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Everything posted by DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt

  1. One of them days. Played hookie yesterday and went to a little river in town. Bluebird day but the olives were popping and every fish in the river was rising for a 2.5 hour stretch. This river doesn’t typically hold big fish but the rainbows are starting to migrate to their spawning grounds and you can sight fish donkeys sipping on top this time of year.
  2. Staying in Seattle for a few days in August, kids are 4, 6 and 9…what’s the best area to stay in where we are close enough to stuff but not tripping over tranqed out zombies on the sidewalks?
  3. So basically we just went through a period where everybody was handed free money. They took that free money and handed it to banks. A dream scenario for any business: here, take all this money! And then they managed to completely fuck that up. Fucking morons.
  4. 85.42% of surlsters don’t leave their house. Not totally surprising but still a bit higher than I was expecting.
  5. it's not too early to fish in CO. it's one of my favorite times of the year to be on the water, but I would hire a guide to make sure you end up on the right stretch.
  6. Have buddies up here that are ski patrol...they deal with death on the mountain pretty regularly.
  7. Turkey was told we've got a ship headed that way and it's in their best interest to let it through.
  8. Hot take: Western support for this war is going to plummet if this banking contagion spreads and we fall face first into a recession. I hope this UKR spring offensive brings the thunder.
  9. They know how to chase bonuses, which is what they’re told to do.
  10. All the bankers and hedge fund guys I know are very smart, but they all have incredibly poor decision-making skills. Unfortunately what we've learned is that we are hopelessly tied to their decisions, which is really bad for us.
  11. Let's check in in a couple of years to see which jobs these morons fall into that will continue to make them filthy rich.
  12. Wait, are you seriously suggesting that bankers won’t do stupid shit that could come back and bite them in the ass in the pursuit of massive short-term bonuses?
  13. “We got ourselves into a huge pickle of our own making again and if you don’t do something to save us it’s going to be really bad!” ”Oh and our industry should be less regulated because we’re smarter than you and we promise not to do more dumb shit while making ourselves filthy rich.”
  14. The banker is sad because people aren’t showing enough…wait for it…sympathy.
  15. The run up to 2008 wasn’t economic growth, it was bankers inventing new products to make themselves and their shareholders insanely wealthy. The lesson learned is they can be however reckless and irresponsible in those pursuits and when they drive the car off the cliff they know the taxpayer will be there to bail them out.
  16. Are there not publicly accessible statements that would have shown they put all of their eggs in one basket without hedging against that position? They made this bet awhile ago, right?
  17. Twitter’s pricing for their API was announced, packages starting at $500,000/yr for…wait for it…0.3% of their data. To the moon, Elmo!
  18. The whole “off the books” mobilization would indicate Vlad ain’t too worried about the post-war repercussions of all of this.
  19. Texas will happily allow Elon to take a shit on its chest if it brings in the almighty dollar. He picked the perfect state to do whatever he wants.
  20. My aunt did this several years ago. She always struggled with food, it was how she comforted herself. Both her and my dad are the types of people that haven’t spent a minute of their lives comfortable in their own skin. Both have some pretty severe underlying mental/psychological issues that they’ve suppressed and never sought help for. My aunt seeks comfort/relief from food. Long story short, after a year or so she went back to her old habits, but now has such severe indigestion (which I guess has caused her asthma to flare up?) she sleeps in a chair sitting up to find relief. I have no idea if your struggles with food are the physical manifestation of something else psychological, but if so, hopefully you can focus on the root cause while treating the symptoms. Regardless, I wish you luck in getting to a healthier, more balanced place.
  21. I’d be remiss if I didn’t admit I’d be off my fucking rocker if I was worth $200 billion. Start my own town so I could be king?
  22. FAFO. This looks like some bad hombres mixed up in the drug trade. This type of violence is targeted in Mexico. The likelihood of anyone here vacationing in Mexico and getting mowed down like this is so is next to 0. After living in Mexico for 2 years in one of the increasingly hotter zones, you learn a couple of things: The cartels are everywhere yet nowhere. If you own a business that’s publicly accessible, you’re paying their bribe or your dead. People that are murdered are either involved in the drug trade or refuse to pay the bribe. If a tourist gets murdered as a result of a targeted assassination it’s bad for business and the assassins pay with their lives. They don’t want that.
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