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Everything posted by DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt

  1. would you shut the fuck up? Your first post on this thread was a prediction on exactly what would happened based on...no evidence other than the charge. Just shut the fuck up, please.
  2. Imagine giving someone $1 BILLION dollars so that they could accuse you of being complicit in a pedo ring. It’s actually pretty humorous thinking about Jack’s reactions to all the shit going on.
  3. This thread is about the war in Ukraine, please take all talk of China to the appropriate thread. - You
  4. You taking your motorcycle? 1 other upvote? Y’all a bunch unfunny motherfuckers.
  5. @MNLonghornFUKM hasn’t gone 6 hours without shitposting on this site or TOS since day 1. Bottom left is my guess.
  6. Whatever foreign policy paradigm that has provided the rationale for incremental increases in sanctions should be thrown out the window. It’s absurd.
  7. I think we all deserve an answer as to why building code inspectors aren’t preventing infant deaths due to fentanyl in San Francisco.
  8. See that’s the post-truth world we now live in. Elon knows the truth is nothing more than whatever you want it to be. Narratives.
  9. My favorite part so far is GRU saying the public seeing hunter biden’s penis would have created a more informed electorate.
  10. Dating a 22 year old sounds fun but then I realize I’d spend the majority of my time saying “shut the fuck up you have no idea what you’re talking about” and that just doesn’t feel like a healthy relationship. Are you still talking about Hunter’s dong?
  11. yeah what's the range on that, 400 miles? seems like enough to get the job done.
  12. I know this is the equivalent of asking the meaning of CB but could someone tell me the TLDR version of KKL’s connection with Jimbo? What was her connection in Tallahassee and why did she follow him to CS? How does she know inside info on the program?
  13. Have you been there recently? The ads will make you want to shoot your own house.
  14. No I think you’re probably crazy enough to get some seed money out of this group.
  15. you forgot the insurance fraud part. is it legal to carry a weapon into a bar?
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