To be honest, I don't remember the source of the graph was as I has it on a folder on my hard drive.
Regardless - go ahead and drop nuke out of the discussion if you want for arguments sake - solar and wind still are at the mercy of the weather/location/season and are not the "cheapest way' to generate power. Go to the base level of cost vs. power generation (MINUS gov't subsidies and the utilization of existing infrastructure like pipelines/powerlines/refineries/inverters/batteries/etc.) and show me where the cost per KW generated is better with "renewables" than most existing sources of energy...
Until energy storage capacity become more efficient (which it isn't in large scale applications) to capture generated as well as take into account that you can only generate power say, 50% of the time depending on location/season, they aren't efficient as other sources of energy like hydro, coal or gas. Coal and gas (and hydro but it's being more limited now by weather as well) are "stored energy" - meaning I can convert them to energy on demand which I can't do currently with solar or wind. IIRC, solar is about 15-20% efficient (in terms of energy created when the sun hits the panes for those "12 hours" (time/season/latitude) a day) vs (up to) 40% for coal and up to 60% for natural gas where the remaining energy is lost to some form of heat.
In my earlier comment, DONG/Orstad would not have taken the path it did if the government subsidies didn't exist and would have lost money and gone under if those government subsidies didn't exist. Take the subsidies out of the equation (for oil/gas/hydro/solar/wind) and level the playing field to actual energy efficiency and there isn't a fair comparison to say renewables are a superior way to generate the cheapest power... Someone (via their taxes) is covering the costs for the subsidies but in terms of pure energy efficiency for generating on-demand power regarding the supply of energy, there are more efficient ways to generate power 24/7 than "renewables"... At least until energy stage technology (batteries) gets better, you can't run an economy 100% on "renewables"... (A factory that needs to run 24/7 - are you gonna depend 100% on "renewables"? Good luck with that... Mercedes in Germany will soon find out...)
Drop subsidies out of all - oil/gas/hydro/nuclear/solar/wind/hydro- and then show me "renewables" (sorry, only hydro is truly "renewable") are the cheapest way to generate power compared to the others...
(Similar when folks at Chesapeake/PetroHawk/others tried to say "unconventionals" were a different type of reservoir and convinced the SEC to change the financial "rules" - ignore the "sunk costs" of leasing the land and everything else in the pre-drill economics and let's just focus on costs and profit once we drill the well and forecast 30 years of production as these don't behave like "conventional reservoirs" - decline curves don't apply here!- when in reality, if you don't make back your investment in 18-24 months, you didn't make money...) Ignoring the actual physics/science and "trust us, it (appears) cheaper"...