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Everything posted by Grimas

  1. Look on Amazon for a portable one - it's just a water bottle with an extended neck that you fill-up and squeeze. I take it every time I travel... (and my own roll of Charmin super soft for the final wipe as most hotels have cardboard especially when you are used to a bidet at home...)
  2. “You told me you were a banker…”
  3. SWN cuts all flights to/from IAH and Cozumel... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/article-13350475/Vacation-chaos-major-airline-axes-flights-four-airports-fires-2-000-employees-major-shake-up.html
  4. They changed to a new system and you couldn’t upload your data until January. There was a glitch in the system that rejected a large portion of those submitted between January and early March - most regarding issues with signatures the system couldn’t recognize and the system was locked until mid-April so you couldn’t make corrections. Many schools still haven’t received the FAFSA from the site so can’t send out their letters to students and the May 1 date most schools want the students to accept is fast approaching…. The form itself wasn’t the issue but we have friends who actually need those financial aid forms to chose where their kid will go because of cost and need for the financial aid. Mine aren’t getting crap beyond their merit scholarships so it really doesn’t matter to me other than having a nice summary before I start writing checks…
  5. Uh, create a new thread? (oops, blacklab beat me to it...)
  6. I assume this is for all schools but ours has an option for graduation where you say you aren't submitting a FAFSA form as an alternative. I don't expect a dime for either of mine but one thing I plan on doing is having both of mine take that $5K government loan (in their names) so they know they have skin in the game (and I'll pay it off when they graduate...). We also need the FAFSA for a private scholarship that they apply for in August...
  7. Anyone else having "fun" with this FAFSA mess? We had ours in in January but apparently any of the early ones were flagged as missing signatures and you couldn't actually make the corrections until April 16th. All corrected now but several of our target schools still haven't got the FAFSA info and May 1 is decision date for most schools... Argh...
  8. I really like the sessions where they are making bush fixes on equipment with Uncle Ant. Kinda reminds me of me and my dad fixing stuff - we kinda knew what we wanted to do and they eventually get the task done but it usually takes 3x more time than expected…
  9. Yea - the Frugal Gourmet show on PBS got me cooking (along with Justin Wilson) and I still have some of his cookbooks. (But he's been scrubbed from the internet after being accused of being a child molester...)
  10. I came across an interesting Youtube channel of an outback ranch manager in central Western Australia who manages 3500 head on 1 million acres. Interesting technology where he's setup Wi-Fi across the property at all their watering holes and repeater stations, self-mustering yards, daily repairs and lots of feral animal elimination...
  11. Can't tell - is this an online only deal- or can you go into Macy's and get it? (I've got a kid headed off to college but he's never been fitted so no clue on his size...)
  12. Forbes article on Robinhood card: https://www.forbes.com/sites/robertberger/2024/03/28/the-robinhood-gold-card-game-changer-or-gimmick/?sh=2c3491414251
  13. Anyone heard of this https://www.robinhood.com/creditcard/ 3% cash back with no fees (but they do have a $5/month subscription fee to have an account but you get same perks as any other Visa Signature card) My be a good option for those who pay off their balance every month (but I like my Chase Sapphire for the miles...) (Info was sent to be by a buddy who is a Financial advisor but I've never heard of them...)
  14. Duh - my brain fart and you are correct that it's a thousand and not a million. I'm used to thinking reserve numbers and European conversions to BTU's and not daily rates on the units, just the price... MCF and MMBTU's.. Close but not the same...
  15. Never heard of /MCR... Natty is currently- just under $2/MMCF (million cubic feet of gas volume) and hasn't been above $10 in forever so I'm not sure if we are talking the same acronyms... $20/MMCF would be a godsend for the industry...
  16. Sorry my analogy wasn't specific to Poland on the pricing but more the US of the 2 vs $20/MMCF but rather the point is that if the commodity prices go up considerably, there are resources out there that you wouldn't even sniff at today would be attractive at much higher prices. (Poland wells weren't close to economic when I was involved 15 years ago but at some point in the future, even a pig looks attractive when the price is high enough...) Rex - are you Art Berman? He's been screaming that about the shale gas (actually tight gas reservoirs) for years...
  17. Yup, all about economics. Stuff not even considered at $2/MMCF looks like a Surly 10 at $10/MMCF…
  18. And US shale plays are dying out. Barnett and Haynsville plays are in steep decline and Utica is headed that way. Looks like Balkken, EF and Permian have probably reached peak production and will probably start their decline in the next few years… All the best wells have been drilled and even with new technology, you’re spending more to get less per well…
  19. That was an expansion one of my points. Several companies tried unconventionals in Poland about 15 years ago and (besides the low TOC of the Devonian and Silurian shales) all the lack of infrastructure (sand, water, pipelines, fracking trucks, etc) made it uneconomic. Maybe someday if gas is $20/MMCF but probably not in my lifetime… As for the other comments about surface rights vs mineral rights, pretty much anything that applies in the US does not apply outside the good, ol’ USA… The government/crown owns the mineral rights and too bad if you own the surface rights - you get paid next to nothing which is one reason they protest so loudly (at least in Europe).
  20. I was gonna joke that it was semen breath but then I saw the word "moms" (ergo wives) in the comment...
  21. Lots possible but also banned in places like Europe. (Some current plays active in places like Argentina.) Several big issues - need lots of water as well as infrastructure like pipelines to get product out as well as lack of equipment outside the US. Biggest issue besides "fracking bad" politics is the land ownership. In most countries, mineral rights are owned by the government and not the land owners. It's one thing to have a well on your property when you are getting a mailbox check and another when someone wants to put a well in your yard and all the money goes to the government and not you... If I recall correctly, SLB geologists estimated Algeria had the best shale play in the world but since they have so much conventional resources still to be developed, unconventionals wouldn't happen for forever. That and the military risks there...
  22. "All dad had in the fridge was Bud Lite..."?
  23. I saw an article the other day that Costco will be selling doses of their semiglutide mix via their telemed service for ~$180 a dose. (can't find the link now)
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