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  1. Corn chips and cheese. I think they read a comma where there wasn’t one.
  2. I haven’t been there in thirty years but from what I remember, Tall buildings. Lots of people. All of the cars are yellow. Maybe it’s different now.
  3. That’s practically LA to some posters here.
  4. DoobieWah

    SXSW 2025

    What do they have to do with Hope Solo’s vajayjay?
  5. DoobieWah

    Houston BBQ

  6. Not enough homeless people in Austin now? Want to add his family to them?
  7. It really doesn't work in text quite the same, does it? 🤔
  8. Any idea what the actual time lapse is on that? Surely its not real time, right?
  9. I want to personally kick that kid's ass and I only watched half of it.
  10. DoobieWah

    Houston BBQ

    There's a whole big world out there. Live a little. 😉
  11. He grabbed Chuck Norris’ beard.
  12. Except the cheese wasn’t melted. I remember. 😢
  13. DoobieWah

    Led Zeppelin

    Taylor Swift is going to do a sexy Happy Birthday to Donald Trump? 🤣
  14. "Sorry for partying." - Underpaid popper stuffer
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