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  1. Time for this thread to die. PLAY BALL!!
  2. I was NOT at the SMU game that ALL of the rest of you attended, but I was in the front row of the student section of the TCU game where the linemen hit him high and low and broke his leg. F’n cockroaches.
  3. Three Faces of Eve Gaslight The Caine Mutiny
  4. Ankimo. Monkfish liver. It’s not for me.
  5. But it identifies as an Alpine meadow.
  6. I saw the Becoming Led Zeppelin movie last night, so in honor, the 1977 show they did at The Summit in Houston. Sorry, but audio only unfortunately. I was there. 48 Years Ago in May. Wow.
  7. Big woman is she? πŸ˜†
  8. Mexican Style Hot Dogs. They're inspirational.
  9. DoobieWah


    Third lunar mission this year launched yesterday.
  10. I'd guess that there's a market in Houston for that. 😏
  11. Fun Fact: Everyone else who was in that video has died. πŸ€”
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