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Everything posted by Cronkhill

  1. + OL Greene, if only for the full spectrum?
  2. Not even close LOL. If anything he is a redass Tom Herman.
  3. Tom Herman would absolutely have this team going to a bowl game. You all know its true.
  4. graphic design is his passion https://issuu.com/hornsillustrated/docs/horns_illustrated_2021_football_preview
  5. Apparently the first questioner was c-list 9.95er and publisher of Horns Illustrated Terry Middleton. https://www.hookem.com/story/sports/football/2021/11/15/texas-football-coach-steve-sarkisian-peppered-more-program-questions/8625422002/
  6. Pronounced Owen or Ian?
  7. Just amazing strategery here: https://texags.com/forums/5/topics/3212462
  8. IBRX continues its long slow slide. Down another 4% today, now trading sub $13. Hands up if you've had your ass kicked by this one. 🖐️
  9. WTF happened there? Down 12% on the day.
  10. A nice little +14.5% day for UUUU to start the week.
  11. LOL
  12. The superfluous "actually's" are what really grind my gears. EJ is good for one or two per article.
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