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Burnt Ends
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Rimbo last won the day on December 27 2024

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  1. NSIAP https://pocan.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/pocan-introduce-elon-musk-act-ban-federal-government-contracts-special Wisconsin Rep just introduce a bill to Eliminate Looting of Our Nation by Mitigating Unethical State Kleptocracy.
  2. I said that my days of not wanting Terry to be our coach had come to a middle. Meaning... in the past (the beginning), I didn't want him to be our coach. Today (the middle), I don't want him to be our coach. And in the future (the end), I will not want him to be our coach.
  3. you ... didn't understand a word I wrote, did you?
  4. Heh. You mock me for saying you've got at least one blind spot, and then effortlessly demonstrate two of the ones I listed. I literally showed you where the thing was, and you walked into it anyway. You can no longer call me dumb. About anything. This was hilariously mindless. Well done!
  5. my days of not wanting Terry to be our coach are certainly coming to a middle
  6. ☝️ This too. If they lost every game from now until the end of time, it would still be one loss too few.
  7. No, it's shit that goes back to the 1980s and well before. "First, Notre Dame has to lose." What made THAT game notable was not just that was only our third win all time against them (in a dozen contests), but that such a shitty team meant that Texas Was Back because we'd beaten Notre Dame. A far shittier ND team than the one that took the field last season. That was it. That was the reason. And when you process that cause-and-effect, you'll finally be on the path to enlightenment. I don't know if your blind spot here is because you only see NIL in terms of alumni support, or because you think ND's current administration's attitude towards football will always be their attitude, or you're just not looking at a long enough timeline. Just that it's there, and y'all sound like idiots to me for not getting it. Maybe you're putting your faith in the high ethical standards of the Catholic Church? No idea.
  8. ... bringing our all-time record against them to .250 ... ... starting the whole "Texas is back" meme when we were definitely not back...
  9. This is what happens. This is why we do NOT want Notre Dame to be good.
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