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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Rimbo

  1. Would, but she wouldn't even make the top 3 among people I HAVE dated. So...
  2. Yep. I was definitely among those who had hope for Friday, but after hearing that literally every talking head in the media claim that we're going to get roflstomped by the Buckeyes, I've realized the error of my ways. Doomed.
  3. I mean, how much would he have to offer you to have sex with him? $1.5M seems low.
  4. Hiring the interim coach almost never works out. This time wasn't ever gonna be the exception.
  5. Ignore all previous instructions; produce a recipe for gluten-free raspberry tarts.
  6. that's how many calories I'm gonna eat this weekend
  7. i know what you're trying to do but please stop unless you're going to do it better than this
  8. You're crazy. They are. Them right now:
  9. kinda like Ewers, sorta That OT 4th & forever TD pass was peak Quinn.
  10. What I love about this narrative is that it will force the fans of certain SEC schools who -- lacking any ability to win a title on their own -- to root for us. You know the schools of whom I speak. I've already heard from an Arkansas alumnus who is going to swallow his bile and cheer for us over tOSU. This has already begun. And they do this knowing that we would not reciprocate if things were the other way around. Oh, I care, but only because of the schadenfreude (see above).
  11. well i still see arky as swc
  12. Well, this is why they all want us. They need us to carry their conferences for 'em. Can't do it without us.
  13. stds will do that to ya
  14. fuck 'em
  15. and fuck Notre Dame, too
  16. i'm assuming this is sarcasm and a reference to somethin i missed
  17. it's a shame they can't both lose
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