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Sgt Hulk

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Everything posted by Sgt Hulk

  1. We aren’t getting pressure with 4. We gotta bring some noise he’s sitting back there having his way
  2. We are the only NCAA team to not give up 350 yards in a game all season. Clemson is at 310
  3. Fuck we might not even win this. Then we get to hear for perpetuity about losing after being up 3 scores
  4. Oregon is gonna butt fuck this team if we are some how able to win
  5. Thank god def knew that was coming. Everyone knew that was coming
  6. From a 3acore game to wondering if we are gonna hang on. That’s fucking Texas football every team with a pulse this year
  7. Dear god 3rd qtr of doom continues even in the fucking playoffs. I wish one of these oussy ass reporters would ask sark what the actual fuck is wrong with this team in the second half
  8. We are truly truly truly the worst fucking 3rd qtr team in the absolute history of organized football
  9. Bert isn’t kicking this. It’s 3rd qtr sark fu k everything
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