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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by SquishMitten

  1. I bet the RV smells better than the Bama RV
  2. Opened this thread just to see if anybody knew what the hell that even meant. What a weird bit of commentary
  3. They could still be liquified on the inside and just haven’t realized it yet
  4. Between Two Ferns was better the first time
  5. Guaranteed kill. Drone could’ve been on the last few seconds of battery power. Operator might’ve already started his divebomb and lost video feed before the other two ran off. Could be any number of reasons.
  6. Right there with you. I watch the game and talk with people around me. Don’t recall ever being upset about the PA announcer. Taco Bell gong, now that’s a different story.
  7. What you fail to see here, is that you can’t “further your education” at EVERY school. If I’m paying, I absolutely get a vote. If I’m not paying, I’m still going to heavily influence, but at that point I agree I’d have to let them make their own decision.
  8. A couple months after his plane blew up, I saw an interview with whoever was the head of Ukraine’s security service (or something like that, point being, he was at the top of a relevant food chain). After a specific comment about Prigozhin, the interviewer sort of confusingly asked whether the guy thought Prigozhin was dead, and he responded with something along the lines of “no, I have no reason to believe that at this time.” Never heard anything else about it, but that’s stuck with me ever since.
  9. Obviously that's a long time ago, but from the headline, it was taken during a bye week...and there's a picture of him rolling up a dollar bill in the bathroom. Hilarious.
  10. Well, yeah. Not the brightest of the bunch out there. At least we get direct flights from Austin now so I can get in and out posthaste!
  11. Fake video if my Spanish is correct. Says it’s from a YouTube parody account
  12. Two nights ago, I got into a discussion at a bar in Odessa. He was actually a UT fan, but thinks College Station is absolutely awesome to go party. Even more so than Austin. It’s all perspective. When you grow up in a field, I can see why a bigger field with a couple bars on it would look pretty sweet.
  13. Pretty sure I’ve seen this explained before, but I can’t remember the specifics. How does On3 do their assignment of 5-stars? Over the last 3 seasons, there were 32, 32, and 31 5-star players. This year, there are only 15. Do they wait until later in the process to assign stars? Or do they just think it’s a down year?
  14. As long as I can see Texifornia made the most recent post, I know it’s safe. If we could all just agree to not respond to his posts on these threads, it’d be better for our collective health
  15. It’s even worse than all those other elite guys signing somewhere else when they actually want to be here
  16. Good guys, 38-17 WRs: 420
  17. For the record, I will fully cooperate with all federal and international authorities. Love ya, Imma, but I’m not ending up in a gulag for you!
  18. No shit! That was within minutes of me posting
  19. Only one drink on the table. Along with the rest of the getup, I'm going to say that's his purse.
  20. Absolutely. I'd expect him to endorse Trump at any moment. There will be no apology
  21. For the record, when people talk about getting someone from the portal, they aren't only talking about dudes that enter without having any idea where they'd like to go. Getting someone "from the portal" just means getting a player from another school. Not that we would ever tamper or anything. That would be absurd, and I'll hear none of it.
  22. Every time I see this thread, I cringe. I’ve refused to participate, but I’m at the end of my rope here. Over the last year, maybe year and a half … washer, dryer, dishwasher, microwave, deep freeze, one full HVAC system, pool pump/filter, Polaris pump, Polaris, (and if these count, Roomba and primary Dyson vacuum), and I’ve got a service call out for our other HVAC that’s stopped cooling. Fml
  23. Surprise guest is Marky Mark?!?
  24. If nothing else, the kid deserves an A+ for how well his shoes were tied
  25. I’m guessing he was only processed like a regular illegal crossing. Don’t think they detain everybody these days. I think they briefly hold them, set a court date where they can make their case for asylum or whatever, then release them. Probably didn’t have it in their system that an arrest warrant was issued from a country we expedite to. But the name eventually got flagged, and he was subsequently arrested for real.
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