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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by SquishMitten

  1. What happened to the others? You can put two of the same models in parallel with minor expense
  2. Was there some recent change in law requiring some variation of “new driver” stickers on cars? “Student Driver” has always been a thing for driver’s ed, but I don’t recall seeing the “new driver” ones until pretty recently, and they’re all of a sudden freakin everywhere.
  3. I would absolutely prefer sleeping in 50. But during the day, 50 inside would be fucking miserable. At 80, I’d have to go sleep outside with a fan. That’s perfectly fine camping weather
  4. Similar thing happened to me and a buddy kayak fishing on the Colorado east of San Saba. Pretty much in front of one of our poster’s properties (sorry, can’t remember who has that spot). Shots came from the other side of the river, so it probably wasn’t him. One of the weirdest experiences of my life. We knew they weren’t trying to actually hit us, but that shook me for a while. Guy I was with was a recently retired Tier 1 operator, and it took everything I had to convince him NOT to go up there and try to whip their asses. Luckily he knows I’m a pussy that maintains a healthy concern for my own mortality. Also, he’s scared of my wife
  5. Uh huh. Sure. Mossad was known to be working in the area, so they put a couple of their highest ranking leaders on a fucking helo without any escorts? It’s crazy how little they even bother trying to craft a believable story. At best, if that was the truth, they are completely incompetent. At worst, that’s essentially admitting that someone in your own government arranged for them to be taken out.
  6. Find it hard to believe that their weren’t multiple tracking devices on the helicopter nor any other air assets escorting close enough that they wouldn’t be able to pinpoint a very small area where the choppa went down. I bet they found the crash site almost immediately, and they’re drawing it out as long as possible to shore up security
  7. From the pictures I’ve seen, “trees in bodies” probably can’t be ruled out
  8. Why be so nice about it when the other side just flat out makes shit up and preaches it as gospel? Yes, he was only found liable for rape in a civil case, but fuck that. Call him a convicted rapist. That's only inaccurate in the technical, legal meaning of the words.
  9. Thanks! Sam Hill was the one I was thinking of
  10. Those aren’t the best examples since people aren’t generally getting black out drunk at either of them and, particularly with the Oasis, didn’t put most patrons near the water. But back in the day we had Carlos n Charlie’s, Aunt Tilly’s, something else I’m blanking on that people got piss drunk and/or high and wandered around near the water late into the night
  11. Maybe belongs in the trivial things that annoy you thread, but Rainey Street “Ripper” is such a stupid fucking name for someone who drugs people and pushes them into the water
  12. ^^ https://www.tiktok.com/@taaysecundaria?lang=en
  13. Holy shit. Wife and I got the kids off to various sleepovers last night and booked a room at the Four Seasons. Had no idea a storm came through until we got home. First time I’ve heard Barton Creek from my back yard in about 3 years. Love it!
  14. Agreed. We all expect Trump to spew bullshit and lies, so that wasn't surprising. I was far more bothered by his attorney nodding along with something that he absolutely knows to be a false statement of law. I'd be pretty surprised if Merchan doesn't say something to him about that, although it would likely be in a sidebar.
  15. According to hydromet, that spot got 4” in no time at all. That’s pretty wild
  16. Waiting for the kids to finish up extracurricular activities near 35 & 183. Just sitting in my truck through a torrential downpour, now getting pelted with hail. Awesome…
  17. For rationale adults, admitting you made a mistake and taking steps to correct it is not considered weak or hypocritical
  18. I guess in a pinch you could push half of them off the ship and launch the rest. But if these were going through contested areas, they'd have escort ships
  19. lol. I missed that. Y’all are probably correct
  20. Man, I just don’t believe these protests would be where they are right now without the cops escalating it. At this point, I’m really worried it’s going to keep getting worse because the cops just can’t help themselves. Whether it’s them taking the bait of someone antagonistically putting up a tent or not is a bit beside the point. In a proper world, the government should act like the adult and try everything they can to deescalate. But I give that almost no chance of happening. Hartzell may be the only one who can save this situation, and it will involve him acting like an adult and joining the protesters .. not in their message, but physically going down there, standing with them, stating that he supports their right to peacefully assemble, and ordering the police to stand down. Some will say that’s a risk to his personal safety now, but if he’d done it last week I truly don’t believe we’d be where we are today. In the end, I guess my point is that Hartzell made this bed, and now he needs to fix it.
  21. That box a glue trap? Poor fella woulda died without help
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