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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by SquishMitten

  1. Sucks for those outlying communities to lose all their sons and husbands, but at least they’ll get to live in a democratic Ukraine when all this is said and done since there won’t be anybody left to defend those territories.
  2. If Beryl turns a bit west, this rain could turn out to be why the lakes fill up. Almost at an inch in west lake so far. Fingers crossed!
  3. It’s been a good 50 years since anybody came from Beryl
  4. Bruh. There’s a hurricane coming that’ll help you over there. Let us have this!
  5. You get your hose water from a different source than your house?
  6. Agreed. The type of gun makes all the difference. If he’s got a muzzle loader or a very limited amount of ammo, that changes the calculation. An assault rifle with a couple hundred rounds makes it pretty obvious. If the hawks attack you, then you direct the rats to cover you like a suit of armor. You’ll get some nasty claw marks, but the hawks couldn’t easily penetrate their meat shield. Also, if/when the hunter dies or runs out of ammo, the gun would still serve as an effective weapon to whack hawks coming at you. Dead rats could be swung by their tails to knock down hawks as well.
  7. The Hunter is the tricky addition. I think I go with him and 10,000 rats because those are the two that would kill/overwhelm you almost immediately. Assuming each group starts at the edge of the arena, the hunter could drop most, if not all, of the large game before they got close enough to you. The rats could divide and conquer. Gators prob need the hunters attention bc I don’t know how easily rats could tear into them, but they should be able to easily handle all of the mammals. Hawks would slowly whittle down the rats, but there’s not enough of them to do it quickly. Plus, since this thought experiment supposes your choices know they are to defend you, they would team up to pounce at the hawks when they attack. Bet it comes down to rats v hawks at the end, and the number advantage wins.
  8. Not always the size of the animal but the point of impact. I’ve hit a deer going about 45 in a Silverado and it went straight over the roof, nothing more than a small dent. Armadillo's have caused more damage than that on a few occasions. Bird chipped my windshield once. Never hit anything that required any extensive repairs though.
  9. Thought that was the projection all along? Then maybe builds back up to Cat 1 in the gulf. Or was it still supposed to be hurricane strength when it hit the Yucatán?
  10. This. I haven’t played video games in about a decade, but I think it’s an awesome idea. I can toss some cash towards it as long as I get to watch and shit talk as well
  11. I would imagine if the body were chopped up in several pieces, that would be considered “signs of foul play.”
  12. Depending on the angle of approach, probably? As long as it’s moving west-northwest, seems like anything from Brownsville to Mustang Island typically gets us at least some rain.
  13. Slacked on the text from earlier, but in now! Good cause, y’all. This is part of the reason why we started Heart/TOF!
  14. One thing about this that just really highlights the difference between the two parties is how they will react. Imagine for a moment if Biden took this ruling and did something that looked even slightly like it was for personal gain? The media would thrash him for it, many in the Democratic party would thrash him for it, and many of his voters would stay home. But if Trump were in office, he would immediately do something so wild that was obviously beyond the pale, and nobody would bat an eye (e.g., lead a crowd to overthrow the government). The parties play by different rules because voters hold them to different standards. As much as I wash Biden would be like "OK, let's fucking do this then, here's EO No's 1-100" and even if I personally agreed with every order, I truly believe it would tank his campaign because "that's not what a good Democrat should do!"
  15. In theory, that should make it easier. Ultra vires analysis can get pretty murky. But when somebody completely blows past the line, then it becomes a very simple decision. The problem is that it's clear the decision makers don't want to have to make the decision. And yes, I acknowledge that it's not unusual for the SC to issue an opinion like this where they lay out the guidelines and then kick it back down for the COA to rule on whether those lines were crossed. My complaint is simply how long it took. There's no good reason why a ruling as important as this shouldn't be moved to the front of the line in every court it comes into. And the SC should immediately come back into session as soon as the COA issues a ruling. Maybe Biden should order them to do so, and if they don't, have them arrested for treason or something. Seems like requiring 1 of 3 branches of the government to do their job would surly be an official action subject to absolute immunity.
  16. Why would that count? That’s a perfect parking job
  17. Damn, get racked in the nuts then dispersed into the wind
  18. Who plans a trip to the beach and doesn’t pay attention to the weather forecast?
  19. Having trouble finding a good answer about dealing with whatever this is. I’m guessing it’s a kind of fungal/mold problem, but the solutions I’ve read all seem to be scrubbing the shit off by hand. This is a huge fucking cactus and ain’t no way I’m doing that. Any suggestions on a spray or something?
  20. I'm no expert, but I can count lines. Assuming each noodle has the same odds as any other, the likelihood it hits Texas seems to be pretty low.
  21. @JGHorn That's the second time in the last day or so your posts have included a blank quote of my post. Your shit's borked, bruh
  22. Then you're being willfully obtuse and blinded by your emotions. It's painfully obvious who is to blame for that. And even if it wasn't as obvious as it is, the relationship between CDC and Schloss should make it abundantly clear that CDC had absolutely nothing to do with the story getting out Monday morning.
  23. This has been reported before. I think the clause actually provided for a different buyout if he left for another in-state school, but it's pretty obvious who they had in mind.
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