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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by SquishMitten

  1. That is the basis of the Leopard party. These people don’t realize that others in the Leopard party don’t like them. They will tear themselves apart, a lot of good people that saw it coming will also suffer, but at least we can get some slight sense of satisfaction watching so many Leopards have their faces eaten along side us.
  2. Sure, but who’s going to stop it?
  3. In short, it says there are 4 appellate seats currently open that the Dems don’t have the votes to fill anyway, so they agreed to stop trying to fill them in exchange for Rs voting to appoint somewhere between 4 and 12 Biden nominees (the reporting is unclear on the exact number).
  4. It’s not us. It’s the people that make way more than that
  5. Maybe thread should be retitled to something like "Trump's America and Leopards Eating Faces" to make that more clear.
  6. Pssh. All ya gotta do is post this and you're golden! I do not give X/Twitter or any entities associated with X/Twitter permission to use my pictures, information, messages or posts, both past and future. With this statement, I give notice to X/Twitter it is strictly forbidden to disclose, copy, distribute, or take any other action against me based on this profile and/or its contents. The content of this profile is private and confidential information. The violation of privacy can be punished by law (UCC 1-308- 1 1 308-103 and the Rome Statute).
  7. Feel like the Undertaker has always been around. Not sure about Wilson, but I know he was pretty jaded about not being accepted into the RTF program
  8. She looks better as an animated sloth.
  9. Uh, you think that’s real? Or even if so, that it actually works? Thing moves like Robocop and apparently controlled by an old Nokia phone
  10. At least the lakes are getting something for a change. That’s a hell of a lot more important that our yards
  11. Just saw that. Holy shit balls. Got almost a 1/4” earlier this afternoon. 2+ inches on top of that would be wild. Obviously not gonna happen. Gotta be a whoopsie on their end
  12. Holy shit. Only walked away for a couple minutes. This game looks a bit different
  13. If a demon gets you pregnant, can you get an abortion? I guess it’d probably be fine since he’s allegedly a guy, but I’m not an expert
  14. Don’t think this has been asked very recently if at all, but if you were to start all over from the beginning, what would you have done differently? Bought different tools from the beginning? Made the hole wider? Framed up rebar behind the walls to eventually pour concrete? Also, you found an electric winch for pulling up buckets yet? I feel like that would’ve been one of my first purchases.
  15. These shitty teams better not make me have to switch to the ESPN app to watch kickoff That’ll do! Replies got merged Got damnit. I hate this feature
  16. Hilarious. But why show a trick play in a blowout?
  17. About .2” in the rain gauge. Wouldn’t normally count that as anything, but today was our watering day so it’s a nice little bonus!
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